
lint n.1.皮棉 (= lint cotton)。2.(作繃...

lint art

The study results show that the boll number is the most important factor that determines the cotton lint yield per plant , the correlation coefficient and path coefficient of its number and lint yield per plant are respectively r = 0 . 9111 and p = 0 . 835 ; the correlation coefficient and path coefficient of boll weight and lint yield per plant are r = 0 . 4596 , p = 0 . 435 結果表明:鈴數是決定棉花單株皮棉產量的最主要的因素,它與單株皮棉產量的相關系數和通徑系數分別為0 . 9111和0 . 835 ,鈴重與單株皮棉產量的相關系數和通徑系數分別為0 . 4596和0 . 435 ,緊隨其后。

These standards , due to which even mistaken decisions are caused , can never meet the need of the analysis on the multiobjective risky decision in investment . as a better choice , this paper puts forward the principles about the analysis on it , including sharp index and lint index , expected utility net , etc . the third section establishes a multiobjective risky decision model 作為一種改進,本文提出了多目標風險型決策分析的決策規則,包括夏普指數法和林特指數法、期望效用值法等。第三部分,提出了建立多目標風險型投資決策模型。

Based on consider hereinbefore , this dissertation discusses several aspects on the problem of the sustainable and optimum exploitation of groundwater resources as follows : ( 1 ) reviewed entirely the origin and evolvement of the concept “ sustainable development “ , stated and commented the study status in queue on “ sustainable development “ around national and international range , thorough discussed the science connotation about the concept “ sustainable development “ ; ( 2 ) looked back and commented across - the aboard some furthest basic concept and proposition related to groundwater resources , put forward self opinions on a few existent mistake points of view and chaos understandings ; ( 3 ) expatiated entirely on the content and meaning of the theory of changeable groundwater resources system , contrast with the traditional methods of groundwater resources calculation and evaluation , combined example to show the application of this theory ; ( 4 ) thorough analyzed the difficult and complexity to forecast the groundwater resources , fully stated the traditional methods of groundwater resources forecasting , pointed out the characteristic and applying condition of these forecasting method , introduced the main ideas and methods of wavelet analysis developed recently , and the matlab software be known as the fifths era computer language , and its accessory wavelet analysis toolbox , applied these methods and tools to analyze the groundwater dynamic curve , adopted the b - j method and morte - carlo method , combined with the theory of changeable groundwater resources system , discussed the new view on the forecast of groundwater resources ; ( 5 ) synthetically analyzed the characteristics and limitations of the present all kind of groundwater manage model , combined mathematical programming mathematical statistics random process and the theory of variation system of groundwater resources on the unite optimum attempter of surface water and groundwater , emphasized how to make the model more nicety , more simple , more practicality ; ( 6 ) analyzed the inside condition and outside condition to assure the sustainable and optimum exploi tation of groundwater resources , the inside conditions are the follows : correct resources idea , scientific methods of resources calculation and evaluation , credible forecast methods of resources , exercisable measures of resources management , the outside conditions are the follows : the development idea of high layer , the transform of manage system , the matched policy and rule of law , the adjusted of economy lever , the improve of cultural diathesis , the boosting up of water - saving consciousness and detail measures , the control of population rising , the prevention and cure of water pollute , the renew and rebuild of ecology ; ( 7 ) scan the sustainable and optimum exploitation of groundwater resources from the high level of metagalaxy , earth system science , and philosophy ; lint out the more directions on groundwater resources 基于以上考慮,論文主要從以下幾方面對地下水資源可持續開發問題進行了比較深入的探討:全面回顧了“可持續發展”概念的由來與演變,對國內外“可持續發展”的研究現狀進行了述評,并對“可持續發展”概念的科學內涵進行了深入探討;對涉及地下水資源的一些最基本的概念和命題進行了全面的回顧和評述,對目前仍然存在的一些錯誤觀點和混亂認識提出了自己的見解;全面闡述了地下水資源變值系統理論的內容和意義,并與傳統的地下水資源計算評價方法進行了對比分析,結合實例具體說明了方法的應用;深入分析了地下水資源預測預報工作的極端重要性和復雜性,對傳統的地下水資源動態預測方法進行了全面的評述,指出了各類預測預報方法的特點及適用條件,對最近二十多年剛發展起來的小波分析技術的主要思想和方法及其應用范圍,以及號稱第五代計算機語言的matlab軟件和附帶的小波分析工具箱進行了介紹,并應用于地下水動態過程線的分析,采用時間序列中的b ? j法,蒙特卡羅方法,與地下水資源變值系統理論相結合,探討了地下水動態資料分析和地下水資源預測預報的新思路;綜合分析了現今各類地下水管理模型的特點及缺陷,將數學規劃、數理統計、隨機過程等與地下水變值系統理論相結合進行地表水地下水或多水源的聯合優化調度,使模型更準確、更實用;對保證地下水資源可持續開發的內部條件和外部條件進行了分析,內部河海人學博卜學位論文前言、摘要、目錄條件主要是正確的資源觀,科學的資源計算與評價方法,可靠的資源預測預報技術,可操作的資源管理措施,外部條件主要是高層發展思路、管理體制的變革、配套的政策法規、經濟杠桿的調節、人文素質的提高、節水意識的增強及具體節水措施、人口增長的控制、水體污染的防治、生態的恢復和重建等;從宇宙科學、地球系統科學及哲學的高度審視地下水資源的可持續開發;指出了地下水資源可持續開發的進一步研究方向。

Retail is last lint to control quality of fruit and vegetable , this paper explores the haccp technology can further improve the quality control , then analyzes damage possibly occurring in the retail sale at fruit and vegetable , and puts forward practical methods to control possible damage 摘要零售是果蔬質量把關的最后一個環節,文中在介紹haccp系統基礎上,提出新鮮果蔬在零售環節危害和質量控制關鍵點,針對每個關鍵點給出控制措施。

We have 8 basic high technology series : man shaver series , lady shaver series lint remover series , nose trimmer series , hair dryer series , hair straightener and curling tong series , steam iron series and kettle series 集團現生產:電動剃須刀系列,女式剃毛器系列,毛球修剪器系列,鼻毛修剪器系列,電吹風系列,直發器卷發器系列,電熨斗系列,電熱水壺系列等八大產品系列小家電。

It has a solid r d elibity , large - scale machinery manufacturing capacity . it is specialized in manufacturing in stand , lint cleaner , seed cotton cleaner , delinter , baling press , reclaiming machine , etc . series cotton processing machinery 邯鄲市邯武棉機廠是制造軋花機皮清機籽清機剝絨機打包機回收機等一系列棉花加工設備及棉機配件的專業廠家。

At last , we draw out some core modules of pems . directed by theories and methods of software reliability , we use static check tools pc - lint and splint to check those modules , and write some programs to test them 最后,抽取pems的核心模塊,應用可靠性理論和方法,使用靜態檢測工具pc - lint和splint對這些模塊進行檢測,開發測試程序進行測試。

Princess alina and sophie spend whole days with me , and we , unhappy windows of living husbands , have delightful talks over scraping lint . we only want you , my darling , to make us complete , etc . , etc 阿琳娜公爵小姐和索菲同我整天坐在一起,我們是不幸的守活寡的婦人,在作棉線團時大家聊得興致勃勃只少您在這兒,我的朋友”等等。

In breeding practices , the single plant with high lint yield can be selected on the basis of the effect of agronomic character on lint yield of single plant and the interaction among agronomic characters 在棉花育種過程中,根據各農藝性狀對單株皮棉產量影響的大小并參考各農藝性狀之間的相互作用可選育出皮棉產量高的單株。

Your productivity this quarter has been outstanding , your performance has been impeccable , and i ' m someone who believes in rewarding perfection . too bad about that speck of lint on your tie 你這個季度的業績非常突出,你的成績是無可挑剔的,并且我相信完美是有益的,但你領帶上的斑點實在有點糟糕。

Old world annual having heart - shaped leaves and large seeds with short grayish lint removed with difficulty ; considered an ancestor of modern short - staple cottons 東半球一年生植物,有心形的葉子和大的種子,有不容易去掉的短的淺灰色的象軟麻布似的東西;被認為是現在大宗生產的棉花的祖先。

One feature that s sorely lacking in pmd is the ability to add a “ lint comment “ to the source code to indicate that you really did mean to perform some apparently dangerous operation Pmd中惟一缺乏的特性就是不能向源代碼中添加“ lint注釋” ,以便對要執行的一些明顯有危險的操作進行提醒。

Your productivity this quarter has been outstanding , your performance has been impeccable , and i ' m someone who believes in rewarding perfection . too bad about that speck of lint on your tie 你這個季度業績突出,表現也無可挑剔,可是我是個追求完美的人。你領帶上的麻布斑點太糟糕了!

When combined at high rates , p and k consistently produced the best lint yields which were 87 to 98 kg / ha more than yields obtained with traditional fertilizer input amounts 在高用量配合時,磷肥和鉀肥總能獲得最好的皮棉產量,這一產量比傳統肥料投入量的高87 ~ 98公斤/公頃。

1 don ' t ask us what we ' re thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lints , the shotgun formation , or monster trucks 第一條:不要問我們在想什么,除非你們準備與我們討論諸如包肚臍眼的綁帶,霰彈獵槍的構造,或者巨型卡車等問題。

As an example , anhui ' s provincial yield average is listed at 679kg lint / ha , which is far below the yields obtained in the previously outlined research trial 舉例來說,表中的安徽省的平均皮棉產量為679公斤/公頃,遠低于前面研究試驗中概括的產量水平。

Inspecting amount of impurity and analyzing kinds of impure cotton help to improve on technologic methods for elementary processing cotton and lint of good quality 檢驗雜質的含量和分析雜質的種類,有助于改進棉花初步加工的工藝措施,提高皮棉品質。

Inspecting amount of impurity and analyzing kinds of impure cotton help to improve on technologic methods for elementary processing cotton and lint of good quality 檢驗雜質的含量和分析雜質的種類,有助于改進棉花初步加工的工藝措施,提高皮棉品質。

Cover the wound with sterile lint - free dressing or clear cling film for protection do not put adhesive materials like cotton wool swab or adhesive bandages directly on the wound 勿用黏性敷料如棉花或膠布等直接包裹傷口,以免敷料與傷口黏在一? 。