
linstock n.(古時放炮用的)火繩桿。


Between the infantry and the cavalry the artillery , in a long line of polished , shining cannons quivering on their carriages , crawled slowly by with their heavy , brazen sound , and their peculiar smell from the linstocks , and ranged themselves in their places 時而可以看見炮隊拉長了距離,一門門擦得閃閃發亮的大炮在炮架上顫動著,可以聽見銅件震動的響聲,可以聞見點火桿散發的氣味,炮隊在步兵和騎兵之間爬行前進,在指定的地點拉開距離停下來。

The artillerymen quenched the burning linstocks 炮兵們吹掉火繩上的煙灰。

He had still the linstock of his gun in his own hand 他手里還抓著放炮的火繩桿。

He had still the linstock of his gun in his own hand . 他自己的手里還拿著放炮的火繩桿。