
linseed n.亞麻子[仁]。

linseed cake

Mainly deals in cereals , feedingstuffs , spices essential oils , meats , native produce material for industry , dried vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables , canned foods , casings , dried nuts , wool and hair , bristles , valves . more than 100 ietms in cluding beans , such as buckwheat , broad beans , lentils , peas , kindney beans and various kind of fodders ; sunflower seeds , mustaro seeds , linseed , beet pulp pellet ; live cattle , frozen beef frozen rabbit , frozen horse meat ; “ huaniu “ apple , apple pear , dried or preserved apricot , brackens , osmunds , garlics , fresh lily , dried vegetables ; tomato paste , canned stringless greenbeans , canned fruits , black melon seeds , ect 主要商品有鹽漬羊腸衣蕎麥蠶豆扁豆豌豆蕓豆等各類雜豆脫水甜椒脫水洋蔥脫水蒜脫水青刀豆脫水蕃茄脫水胡蘿卜脫水韭蔥脫水菠菜脫水土豆脫水南瓜脫水芹菜等系列脫水菜蕨菜薇菜刺嫩芽紫蘇籽等山野菜大麻子蘇籽亞麻子油菜籽芥菜籽紅花籽葵花籽等各類油籽活牛凍牛肉凍羊肉凍兔肉孜然茴香等香料黑瓜子無殼瓜子蕃茄醬罐頭食品等。

He introduction of main natural resources of gansu : at present , the corp . mainly deals in cereals , feedingstuffs , spices essential oils , meats , native produce material for industry , dried vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables , canned foods , casings , dried nuts , wool and hair , bristles , valves . more than 100 ietms in cluding beans , such as buckwheat , broad beans , lentils , peas , kindney beans and various kind of fodders ; sunflower seeds , mustaro seeds , linseed , beet pulp pellet ; live cattle , frozen beef frozen rabbit , frozen horse meat ; “ huaniu “ apple , apple pear , dried or preserved apricot , brackens , osmunds , garlics , fresh lily , dried vegetables ; tomato paste , canned stringless greenbeans , canned fruits , black melon seeds , ect ,主要經營土特產品的加工和出口,年出口創匯超過一百萬美元,現有員工三人,出口商品經營范圍涵蓋四大類三十多個品種:香料及調味品類,包括小茴香,安息茴香,辣椒干,番茄醬等;果仁類,包括苦杏仁,甜杏仁,核桃仁,南瓜子仁,無殼瓜籽,松子仁,葵花籽仁,花生仁,蠶豆仁,蕎麥仁等;籽類包括葵花籽,紅花籽,黑瓜子,紅瓜子,白瓜子,蕎麥,小扁豆等;同時還經營各種酒類,包括白酒如涼州皇臺酒,絲路春酒和隴南春酒;啤酒如五泉啤酒和黃河啤酒及有營養保健作用的天宮桂花陳酒,冬蟲夏草酒,當歸酒和各種葡萄酒如天朝紅葡萄酒,唐吉珂德干紅葡萄酒,莫高干紅葡萄酒等的出口,產品遠銷歐美,加拿大,東南亞和非洲各國。

Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of glistening linseed oil as the beam sinks earthwards , taut and protesting , its creaks blending with the squeaking and rumbling of the grinding wheels and the occasional grunts and sighs of the camels 譯文:隨著大梁越壓越低,纜索越繃越緊,大梁的嘎吱聲,石磙的轆轆聲,以及駱駝不時發出的咕嚕咕嚕的呼吸聲和嘆息聲響成一片,榨出的油也很快地由涓滴細流變成了一股晶瑩發亮、奔騰不止的洪流。

On the basis of single factor experiment , 3 factors 3 levels orthogonal experiment was adopted to study impact of bean dregs powder , linseed oil , xylitol syrup on peel quality and tea powder , bean dregs powder , butterine on stuffing quality 實驗在單因素基礎上采用3因素3水平正交實驗研究了豆渣粉、亞麻油、木糖醇糖漿對月餅皮品質的影響以及茶粉、豆渣粉、人造奶油對月餅餡料品質的影響,并對其理化指標,營養素組成進行分析。

Our company is dedicated in importing and exporting , processing , producing linseed oil , we import and export the linseed oil and relevant production which originated in north america , europe and china , and owns many processing bases in domestic and abroad 我公司系進出口,加工,生產亞麻油及相關產品的專業公司,長年進出口北美,歐洲產、國產亞麻油及其相關產品,并在國內外有多處加工基地。

The staff of management in our company has been engaged in linseed oil business up to more than 10 years , and has abundant experience of importing , exporting , processing and transporting of linseed oil business 我公司管理人員從事亞麻油業務均達10年以上,有豐富的亞麻油進出口、加工、中轉運輸經驗。

Chamomile lavender adzuki beans linseed sage sandalwood calendula gentle exfoliator to help prevent signs of premature ageing . deeply cleanses and refines the skin . use up to every second day 溫和去除面部角質層,深層潔凈肌膚,讓肌膚回復天然剔透之最佳狀態,預防肌膚出現提早衰老現象,可隔天使用。

The basis of the biopin products : tung oil , linseed oil , beeswax , castor oil , vegetable wax , lemon , turpentine , dryer without lead or barium , mineral pigment , borax etc 產品成分主要有:桐油,亞麻油,蜂蠟,蓖麻油,加那巴蠟,檸檬,香脂松節油,不含鉛和鋇的干燥劑,礦物顏料,硼砂等。

Description : clear , yellowish oily liquid , typical in taste and odor , the linseed oil is obtained by pressing and refining process of the seeds of linseed followed by a rofining process 性狀:本品為亞麻籽經過機榨和精制加工,黃色油狀液體,具有典型的亞麻籽油的味道和氣味。

By lorries along sir john rogerson s quay mr bloom walked soberly , past windmill lane , leask s the linseed crusher s , the postal telegraph office 布盧姆先生沿著停在約翰羅杰森爵士碼頭上的一排貨車穩重地走去,一路經過風車巷利斯克亞麻籽榨油廠和郵政局。

Perhaps the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar , apart from its general atmosphere , is the place where they make linseed oil 譯文:除了其給予人的總體印象外,集市中最令人難忘的地方恐怕要算是榨亞麻籽油的作坊了。

Most shells are cracked by hand , too ; workers dust their fingers in wood ash or linseed or castor oil , for protection 外殼同樣大多以手工敲開,工人手指上得沾些木灰或是亞麻子或海貍油來保護手。

Binders for paints and varnishes - distilled linseed fatty acid - requirements and methods of test 油漆和清漆的粘合劑.蒸餾的亞麻油脂肪酸.要求和試驗

Effect of feeding evening primrose oil and linseed oil on the fatty acid composition in egg yolk 日糧中添加月莧草油與胡麻油對蛋黃脂肪酸的影響

Binders for paints and varnishes - linseed stand oil - requirements and methods of test iso 276 : 2002 涂料和清漆粘合劑.亞麻子油.要求和試驗方法

Test methods for pigments - part 13 : oil absorption - section 1 : refined linseed oil method 顏料試驗方法.第13部分:吸油性.第1節:精煉亞麻油法

Test methods for pigments - part 13 : oil absorption - section 2 : boiled linseed oil method 顏料試驗方法.第13部分:吸油性.第2節:煮沸亞麻油法

Raw linseed oil 生亞麻子油

Binders for paints and varnishes - linseed stand oil - requirements and methods of test 油漆和清漆的粘合劑.亞麻籽油.要求和試驗方法