
linoleum n.亞麻油(地)氈,漆布。


Tarkett sports , european leader in infilled turf with its prestige brand , offers a full range of outdoor , indoor , track and tennis sports surfaces manufactured from a variety of materials including pvc , wood , linoleum , polyurethane and textiles 得嘉運動,由于其“顯赫”填充人造草而成為歐洲領導品牌,具有全面豐富的產品線,從室外到室內,從跑道到網球表面,得嘉運動的產品覆蓋不同的材料包括pvc 、木地板、亞麻、聚胺脂和復合織物地板。

The floors were all concrete linoleum and instead of stairs in the building there were two gurney ramps per floor , at 180 degree angles from each other that traversed you through the levels 校舍都是水泥地面,上面鋪著油氈,里面沒有樓梯,取而代之,每一層都有兩個斜坡,便于輪床上下,兩個斜坡互成180度的角。

Adhesives - test methods for adhesives for floor coverings and wall coverings - determination of the dimensional changes of a linoleum floor covering in contact with an adhesive ; german version en 1841 : 1998 膠粘劑.地板鋪復層和墻壁紙膠粘劑的試驗方法.與膠粘

Adhesives - test methods for adhesives for floor coverings and wall coverings - determination of dimensional changes of a linoleum floor covering in contact with an adhesive 膠粘劑.地板和墻壁鋪面用膠粘劑的試驗方法.與膠粘劑接觸的油氈地板層尺寸變化的測定

Adhesives - test methods for floor coverings and wall coverings - determination of dimensional changes of a linoleum floor covering in contact with an adhesive 膠粘劑.地板覆蓋物和墻壁覆蓋物用膠粘劑試驗方法.與膠粘劑粘接的油氈地板覆蓋物尺寸變化測定

The floor of each room will be a light colour ( white , or close to white ) . the floor may be either flat or textured ( like linoleum or carpet ) 每個房間的地板都將是亮色(白色,或接近白色) 。地板將是平坦的,或是略微有些粗糙的(像油毯或地毯) 。

Resilient floor coverings - determination of the dimensional stability of linoleum tiles caused by changes in atmospheric humidity ; german version en 669 : 1997 彈性鋪地材料.通過改變空氣濕度測定油氈板的尺寸變化

Class 27 carpets , rugs , mats and matting , linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors ; wall hangings ( non - textile ) 商標注冊類別27地毯、草墊、席類、油氈及其它鋪地板用品;非紡織品墻帷。

Class27 : carpets , rugs , mats and matting , linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors ; wall hangings ( non - textile ) 類別27 :地毯、草墊、席類、油氈及其它鋪地板用品;非紡織品墻帷。

Resilient floor coverings - determination of dimensional stability of linoleum tiles caused by changes in atmospheric humidity 彈性地板覆蓋物.由大氣濕度變化引起的油地磚的尺寸穩定性變化的測定

Resilient floor coverings - identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue ; german version en 670 : 1997 彈性鋪地材料.油氈的標識和粘結劑及無機添料含量測定

Resilient floor coverings . determination of dimensional stability of linoleum tiles caused by changes in atmospheric humidity 彈性地板覆蓋物.由于空氣濕度變化引起油氈尺寸變化的測定

Resilient floor coverings - specification for plain and decorative linoleum on a foam backing ; german version en 686 : 1997 彈性地板鋪面.帶花紋和不帶花紋有泡沫材料背襯的油氈

Resilient floor coverings - specification for plain and decorative linoleum on a corkment backing ; german version en 687 : 1997 彈性鋪地材料.帶和不帶花紋有軟木背襯的油氈規范

Carpets , rugs , mats and matting , linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors ; wall hangings non - textile 地毯草墊席類油氈及其他鋪地板用品非紡織品墻帷。

Resilient floor coverings - identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue 彈性地板覆蓋物.混凝土含量和灰分殘留的測定和油地氈的鑒定

Resilient floor coverings . identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue 彈性地板覆蓋物.油氈的識別和成分.膠劑含量和灰渣的測定

Do not use on linoleum , cloth , plexiglas , plastics , asphalt floors and similar 請勿將本品接觸油氈、布料、有機玻璃、塑料、瀝青地面或其他相同類型的物質。

En 687 resilient floor coverings . specification for plain and decorative linoleum on a corkment backing 彈性地板覆蓋物.軟木襯里上的板材和裝飾性油氈規范