
linoleate n.【化學】亞油酸鹽(或酯)。

linoleic acid

The technical difficulties in low - alcohol liquor production mainly cover the following aspects : the bleeding of ethyl palmitate , ethyl oleate and ethyl linoleate etc . after alcohol - degrading might produce the lost of gloss , turbidity and precipitate ; the suspended substances produced in distillation and packing , the production water , and the metal ions contained in production containers are the main reasons for the precipitate in liquor ; besides , the hydrolization reaction and esterification reaction of liquor body during shelf period would also produce the lost of gloss , turbidity and precipitate 低度白酒生產過程的技術難點主要是白酒降度產生失光、渾濁、沉淀,其主要原因是由于降度后棕櫚酸乙酯、油酸乙酯和亞油酸乙酯等析出;蒸餾、包裝等過程帶入的懸浮物,生產用水、生產容器所含金屬離子等為低度白酒產生沉淀的主要原因;還有低度白酒酒體在貨架期的水解、酯化反應也會引起低度白酒產生失光、渾濁和沉淀。