
lino n.= linoleum.

lino cut

And her mother said to him to let that be a warning to him for the rest of his days and he couldn t even go to the funeral on account of the gout and she had to go into town to bring him the letters and samples from his office about catesby s cork lino , artistic standard designs , fit for a palace , gives tiptop wear and always bright and cheery in the home 她媽媽對他爹說,讓他終身把這引以為戒吧。由于患痛風癥,他連葬禮都沒能去參加。她只好進城到他的辦公室去替他取來凱茨比公司關于軟木亞麻油氈的函件和樣品:富于藝術性,標準圖案,適于裝飾豪華邸宅,耐久力極強,能使府上永遠明亮而愉快。

Passing by roger greene s office and dollard s big red printing house gerty macdowell , carrying the catesby s cork lino letters for her father who was laid up , knew by the style it was the lord and lady lieutenant but she couldn t see what her excellency had on because the tram and spring s big yellow furniture van had to stop in front of her on account of its being the lord lieutenant 從那氣派,她曉得那就是總督夫婦了,卻看不到夫人究竟怎樣打扮,因為一輛電車和斯普林家具店的一輛大型黃色家具搬運車給總督大人讓道,剛好停在她跟前。倫迪福特煙草店再過去,從卡瓦納酒吧那被遮住的門口,約翰懷斯諾蘭朝著國王陛下的代表愛爾蘭總督閣下淡然一笑,但是無人目睹到其神情之冷漠。

The rossoneri have a slight advantage due to their excellent relationship with empoli , as proved by the fact that youngsters lino marzoratti and nicola pozzi were sent to tuscany on loan 考慮到他們和恩波利良好的關系,紅黑軍團在這場角逐之中稍占上風,因為青年球員利諾?馬佐拉蒂和尼科拉?波齊已經被租借到恩波利。

For their part , lazio president claudio lotito has suggested milan include young defender lino marzoratti , currently on - loan at empoli , in their offer 而拉齊奧董事長克勞迪奧.洛蒂托暗示米蘭的報價應該加上目前租借到恩波利的年輕后衛利諾.馬佐拉蒂。

In 1954 , the summit of k2 was reached for the first time by the italians lino lacedelli and achille compagnoni 1954年,意大利人里諾?雷斯德里和阿奇里?科帕哥諾尼首次成功登頂喬戈里峰。

The son of shark boss lino ( robert deniro ) is found dead , and oscar is discovered at the scene 鯊魚黑幫老大里諾(羅伯特?德尼羅配音)的兒子遭人殺害,奧斯卡被發現在案發現場出沒。

Where ' s lino 李諾在哪兒

Hey , don . lino . sir . lt ' s not his fault . this is between you and me 喂. . .唐. . .李諾. . .先生聽著,這不是他的錯,是咱們之間的恩怨

So , uh , lino . uh , don 我說.李諾.唐

Because l told lino 因為我跟李諾說

I travelled for cork lino 我兜售軟木。

And take a good look , lino 看好了,李諾

Because l told lino . . 因為我跟李諾說. .

See , on top there ' s don lino . there ' s me , and there ' s regular fish 瞧. . .最上面是唐?李諾下面是我,再下來就是一般的魚

Sykes shut up , lino . shut up 閉嘴,李諾.閉嘴

L have to pay don lino protection , so everything you owe me , you owe him 我現在得付唐?李諾保護費你欠我就等于欠他

All right , lino . game ' s over 好了,李諾. . .游戲結束

Sykes . the deal is off . that shark l killed was don lino ' s son 賽斯,解除合約我殺的人是唐?李諾的兒子

Don lino : no , i said what , what 里諾:不,我說什么,什么?