
linney n.〔英方〕農家棚屋。


In “ man of the year “ , which begins filming in canada later this month , linney plays the head of a computer company that investigates how a late night television host williams ran for us president only as a stunt but still managed to win 影片年度男士將于本月末在加拿大開拍。片中,琳尼扮演的一個電腦公司的負責人要調查一個夜間電視節目主持人威廉姆斯飾演如何費盡心思,不擇手段地競選美國總統的喜劇故事。

Man of the year american actress laura linney is set to do double duty in front of the camera after signing on for lead roles in two new hollywood films , the entertainment industry press said 美國女星勞拉琳尼近期片約不斷,在和兩部好萊塢影片成功簽約后,她將于本月底出任這兩部電影中的主要角色。

American actress laura linney is set to do double duty in front of the camera after signing on for lead roles in two new hollywood films , the entertainment industry press said 美國女星勞拉琳尼近期片約不斷,在和兩部好萊塢影片成功簽約后,她將于本月底出任這兩部電影中的主要角色。

American actress laura linney is set to do double duty in front of the camera after signing on for lead roles in two new hollywood films , the entertainment industry press said 美國女星勞拉?琳尼近期片約不斷,在和兩部好萊塢影片成功簽約后,她將于本月底出任這兩部電影中的主要角色。

Meanwhile linney will also star alongside oscar - winner chris cooper and actor ryan phillippe in “ breach “ , which ray will start filming for universal pictures in toronto later this month 在另外一部影片違背中,琳尼將和奧斯卡獎獲得者克里斯庫柏及演員瑞安菲利普合作。

Linney , 41 , nominated for an oscar for 2004 ' s “ kinsey , “ is to co - star in director barry levinson ' s comedy “ man of the year “ alongside robin williams 本月底,她將和好萊塢大牌明星羅賓威廉姆斯攜手出演巴里萊文森指導的喜劇片年度男士

Linney plays an fbi agent who supervises phillippe ' s character , another agent . man of the year 琳尼將在片中扮演聯邦調查局的一名職員。

Linney plays an fbi agent who supervises phillippe ' s character , another agent 琳尼將在片中扮演聯邦調查局的一名職員。

Female artist linney , laura 女藝人羅娜蓮妮

Artist name : linney , laura 藝人名稱:羅娜蓮妮