
linnet n.【動物;動物學】朱頂雀,紅雀。


That was his most perfect idea of heaven s happiness : mine was rocking in a rustling green tree , with a west wind blowing , and bright white clouds flitting rapidly above ; and not only larks , but throstles , and blackbirds , and linnets , and cuckoos pouring out music on every side , and the moors seen at a distance , broken into cool dusky dells ; but close by great swells of long grass undulating in waves to the breeze ; and woods and sounding water , and the whole world awake and wild with joy 那就是他所謂的天堂之樂的最完美的想法。而我想坐在一棵簌簌作響的綠樹上搖蕩,西風吹動,晴朗的白云在頭頂上一掠而過不止有百靈鳥,還有畫眉雀山鳥紅雀和杜鵑在各處婉轉啼鳴,遙望曠野裂成許多冷幽幽的峽溪但近處有茂盛的長長的青草迎著微風形成波浪的起伏還有森林和潺潺的流水,而整個世界都已蘇醒過來,沉浸在瘋狂的歡樂之中。

And i shall have some peace there , for peace comes dropping slow , dropping from the veils of he morning to where the cricket sings ; there midnight ' s all a glimmer , and noon a purple glow , and evening full of the linnet ' s wings 我將在那里享受寧靜,寧靜會慢慢降臨,降自晨曦的朦朧,降自蟋蟀的歌吟;半夜里微光幽幽,中午時紫光熠熠,黃昏時刻紅雀的羽翼四處拍打。

I am like a weary linnet , for my throat has no song in it ; i have had my singing minute . i have done . put by the lute 可此刻我已經喑啞無語,如一只唱厭倦了的紅雀,因為我喉里再沒有歌曲,我已度盡我歌唱的日子。

Childish and slender creature ! it seemed as if a linnet had hopped to my foot and proposed to bear me on its tiny wing 一個稚氣十足,纖弱苗條的家伙,仿佛一只紅雀跳到我腳邊,提議用它細小的翅膀背負我。

Who ' ll carry the link ? i , said the linnet , i ' ll fetch it in a minute , i ' ll carry the link 誰來秉持火把?我,紅雀說,我馬上就把它拿來,我來秉持火把。

Who ' ll carry the link ? i , said the linnet , i ' ll fetch it in a minute , i ' ll carry the link 誰拿火炬來?是我,紅雀說,我將拿它片刻。我將拿火炬來。

And evening full of the linnet ' s wings 傍晚云集著紅雀的翅膀。

And evening full of the linnet ' s wings 傍晚時紅雀的飛羽云集。

The linnet is a small brown songbird 紅雀是一種棕色會叫的小鳥。

And evening full of the linnet ' s wings 傍晚到處飛舞著紅雀的翅膀。