
linnaean adj.【生物學】瑞典博物學家林奈的;按照林奈命名法的。


And a back - of - the - envelope calculation based on the 1 . 8m sorts of organism recognised so far as species under the linnaean system , on the rate at which new species are being discovered and on such ecological matters as the average number of parasites ( themselves new species ) that each free - living species harbours , suggests the final total may be around 30m 一個以三部分,即:在林耐分類系統中迄今為止被認定是物種的180萬種微生物、新物種的發現速率和諸如在每個獨立生存的物種中藏匿的平均寄生蟲數量(它們本身也屬于新物種)等生態因素,為基礎的估算表明全球物種的總數是在三百萬左右。