
linn n.〔蘇格蘭語〕1.瀑布;瀑布下的水潭。2.溪谷,絕壁。


Based on the morphological and phytochemical investigations , comparative studies on the antidepressant action of the ethanol extracts of hypericum perforatum linn > h . faberi r . keller and h . sampsonii hance ( sect . hypericum ) were conducted . the forced swimming and mouse - tail suspension tests in mice show that the extracts from these 3 species have antidepressant actions 在形態學研究和化學研究基礎上,對貫葉連翹及與之親緣關系相近的貫葉連翹組揚子小連翹、元寶草醇提物的抗抑郁作用進行比較研究,采用小鼠尾懸掛試驗、強迫游泳試驗,結果表明三者均可對抗小鼠的失望行為,具有抗抑郁作用。

In this paper , the brief history and the current condition in the classification of the genus acer linn . have been reviewed . i have also compared the precision of the ancestors ' studies and then studied the classificating evidence , the law of origin and evolution and geographical distribution . by identifying and studying the specimens , 1 ensure that there lie 20 species and subspecies and 8 varieties which belong to 3 subgenus in henan province . i add 3 species and 2 varieties which were not recorded in flora of henan such as acer tegnentosum maxim . a . tsinglingense fang et hsieh , a . shensiense fang , a . buergerianum miq . var . ningpoense ( hance ) rehd 作者通過對河南槭屬植物的分類研究,確認了本省槭屬植物共計20種、 1亞種和8個變種,隸屬于3亞屬12組,增補了《河南植物志》中未記載的但河南有自然分布的3個種、 2個變種:青楷槭acertegnentosummaxim .秦嶺槭a . tsinglingensefangethsieh 、陜西槭a . shensiensefang 、寧波三角槭a . buergerianummiq . var . ningpoense ( hance ) rehd .和蒿蘋四蕊槭a . tetramerumpaxvar . haopingensefang .訂正了《河南植物志》和《河南種子植物檢索表》中一些分類學問題。

We have sifted 103 medicinal plants , roughly identified 17 plants might contain antifungal proteins . antifungal protein was purified from cassia sophera linn , by extraction , fraction with ( nh _ ( 4 ) ) _ ( 2 ) so _ ( 4 ) , cation - exchange chromatography of cm - sepharose ff xk 26 , the first cation - exchange chromatography of mono s and the second one , followed by gel filtration of superose 12hr 對茳芒決明進行了抗菌蛋白的分離純化:經粉碎、磷酸緩沖液浸提、硫酸銨沉淀、 cm - sepharoseffxk26陽離子交換層析、兩次monos陽離子交換層析、 superose12hr分子篩層析可得到具抗真菌活性的蛋白。

A survey of literature shows that little study has been done on uptake of pollutants by plants from the polygonaceae , and that the reports about their physiological and biochemical characteristics under heavy metal stress were sporadically seen . a batch of sand culture and soil culture experiments were carried out to investigate heavy metal and radiocesium uptak e and accumulation by rumex acetosa linn , polygonum microcephalum d . don , and rumex hastatus d . don widely distributed on copper mining areas , and their physiological and biochemical characteristics under cu zn stress , as well their potentials in application to phytoremediation 本論文以廣泛生長于銅礦區的蓼科植物酸模、小頭蓼和戟葉酸模為試驗材料,運用砂培、土培等方法,研究它們對重金屬( cu 、 zn )以及放射性核素( ~ ( 134 ) cs )的吸收和積累特性以及cu 、 zn脅迫條件下它們的生理生化特征,初步探討它們在無機污染物污染土壤植物修復中的應用潛力。

( many researches are from the perspective of linn ' s theory of marxism though ) the paper is supposed to use this combination as theory basis as well as analyzing tool to build up a general equilibrium model of production cost and transaction cost together with firm ' s scale 論文以傳統經濟學與新制度經濟學中關于規模經濟與交易費用的概念作理論支點和分析工具,對韓國企業集團規模經營的歷史、現狀及未來的發展趨勢進行了深入的分析。

Effects of cd on growth , photochmecal efficiency , chlorophyll content and net photosynthesis of canna indica linn and rumex acetosa l were studied so that the theoretical basis of phytoremediation of pollution by cd could be provided )為實驗材料,研究cd脅迫對美人蕉和酸模的生長、光化學效率、葉綠素含量以及凈光合強度等生理指標的影響,探討cd對高等植物的毒害效應,以期為重金屬cd污染的植物修復技術提供理論依據。

The chances of heavy metal into the plant cell were reduced and stress alleviated . ultrastructural observation of leaf cells of myriophyllum verticillatum linn , showed that la3 + coule alleviate the injury of cell structure produced by cr6 + 對元素含量的測定表明,稀土元素降低了植物對重金屬的富集量,兩者表現出拮抗作用,減少重金屬離子進入植物葉片細胞的機會,從而減輕了毒害作用。

Germanium in ginkgo biloba linn was determined by spectrophotometry . the results show that the method for dry - ashing is simple and accurate . the recovery is 99 . 24 % - 100 . 26 % and the results are satisfactory 摘要本文用分光光度法測定銀杏中的有機鍺含量。結果表明,灰化法操作簡單、準確,方法回率為99 . 24 % - 100 . 26 % ,結果滿意。

For amorpha fruticosa linn . , there exists epidermal hair on the upper epidermis , some macro ventilating pit in the spongy tissue , many crystal cells in the phloem of the leaf and around vascular bundles 紫穗槐葉的上表皮有表皮毛,海綿組織局部有大型通氣孔,在葉的主脈韌皮部處和葉柄維管束內外都含有許多含晶細胞。

The content of total hypericin in hypericum perforatum linn varies according to different medicinal parts . the content in the leaf comes to the highest 02604人貫葉連翹不同藥用部位的總金絲桃素含量差異較大,葉的含量最高。

Esparza was charged with assault and fifth - degree theft . a hearing is scheduled for dec . 5 in linn county juvenile court 指控埃斯帕薩的罪名除了故意侮辱罪,還包括一宗五級偷竊案。法庭旁聽將在12月5號的林恩郡青年法庭舉行。

The sequence of the essential oil content is h . forrestii n . robson , hypericum perforatum linn , h . wightianum subsp . wightianum wall . ex wight et am . , h 063人采用hp c測定金絲桃昔的含量,進樣量在0

Effects of intercropping of trifolium repens linn . in tea plantation on soil temperature and production in subtropical hilly regions 白三葉草間作對亞熱帶丘陵茶園地溫及生產的影響

Genetic integrity of 29 cotton ( gossypium hirsutum linn . ) accessions was analyzed using srap and ssr markers 摘要利用srap和ssr分子標記檢測29份棉花種質遺傳完整性。

The application of molecular imprinting technology for hippophae rhamnoidse linn . function integrants extraction 分子烙印技術在沙棘功效成分提取中的應用

Study on determination of trace cadmium in ginkgo biloba linn by nano - tio2 preconcentration - single - sweep polarography 單掃描極譜法測定絲裂霉素的研究

Determined by the method of hplc , the content of hyperoside in hypericum perforatum linn , h 837人其次是地耳草門643 l最低是元寶草門

Studies on morphological structure of jussiaea repens linn . and its adaptation to the aquatic habitats 水龍營養器官的形態結構與生態適應

The leaf venation structure of piper linn . and its taxonomic implication in south china 華南胡椒屬植物的脈序結構及其在分類中的意義