
linkman 1. 【橄欖球、足球等】(中鋒與后衛間的)聯絡員。2.(...


Wang ping : dolia , a linkman of espn said : “ the audience has limitless aspiration for sports programs . however , we have found an appropriate balance between sports and news 王平: espn節目主持人多利亞說: “現眾對體育節目的渴望是無止境的,而我們已經在體育和新聞中間找到了恰當的平衡。

“ hong kong commercial daily “ is accreditted as the only advertising agent of mainland and abroad of this celebration . linkman : special publication reporter , mr . liang hai - ming 本次慶典活動的大陸與海外廣告獨家代理授權香港商報。聯系人:特刊記者梁海明先生。

If you have questions about the distinguished teaching award nomination and selection process , please contact the linkman according to the information each year 如您對卓越教學獎提名及評選過程還有任何疑問,請聯系每年度評選通知中的聯系人。

Linkman : dr . zhongcheng guo , postal code : 650106 tel : 86 - 871 - 8352598 , fax : 86 - 871 - 8352599 e - mail : guozhch @ vip . 163 . com or hengdast @ 126 . com 地址:昆明市高新技術開發區昌源北路1299號郵編: 650106銷售熱線:

While sinking into thinking , the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper 陷入沉思時,退縮的聯絡員喝掉了灑在皺紋紙上的粉紅色墨水。

Linkman : mr huang 聯系人:黃先生

Linkman : mr . hu 聯系人:胡先生

Linkman : mr . huang 聯系人:黃先生

Linkman : canming lin 聯系人:林昌敏

Linkman : hairun ren 聯系人:任海潤

Linkman : xiaoli qian 聯系人:錢曉理

Linkman : guoqing xue 聯系人:薛國慶

Linkman : zhiping zhu 聯系人:朱治平

Linkman : he zhan min 聯系人:何占民

Linkman : hongfa zhao 聯系人:趙洪法

Linkman mr . yuegan zhu 聯系人:朱躍敢

Linkman : gaowei gaozhi hong 聯系人:高偉高紫紅

Linkman : jing chen haiyan yang 聯系人:陳靜楊海燕

Linkman : various departments manager 聯系人:辦公室