
link n.1.環鏈環。2.(編織物的)鏈圈。3.(鏈狀物中的)...

link lever

Attention should be centred on the links that have a bearing on the situation as a whole . 應該注意那些涉及全局的重要關節。

It is almost certain that the two genes are linked on the same chromosome . 那么可以認為這兩個基因必定連鎖在同一染色體上。

The demand for and the supply of credit is closely linked to changes in liquidity . 信用的供求和流動資金的變化有密切關系。

The speed of light is the natural link between distance and time measurements . 光速是測量距離和測量時間的天然連接線。

At the time, kindred were linked together chiefly through the band of their maternity . 那時聯系親屬的紐帶以母方為主。

The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains . 熱力學把宏觀世界同亞微觀世界聯系起來。

Some researchers are linking the pain relief of acupuncture to enkephalins . 有些研究人員將針刺止痛和腦啡肽聯系起來。

Displays can also link a library and its book with the world outside . 圖書陳列,也能把圖書館及其藏書和外界聯系起來。

People need a way of linking their productive lives to society . 人們需要一種把他們的生產活動與社會聯系起來的途徑。

He linked the doctrine of natural law with the theory of popular sovereignty . 他將自然法原則同人民主權論結合起來。

He will be an extra and unnecessary link in the chain of command . 他在整個指揮鏈條中將成為一個額外的和多余的環節。

This phrase serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following . 這個短語起到了承上啟下的作用。

She treated it as a link between herself and dutiful goodness . 她把它當作是連接她自己與負有責任的德行的紐帶。

Geochemical methods may be linked judiciously with other techniques . 地球化學方法應同其它方法有機地結合起來。

He was the link . 他負責聯絡。

Fast trains will link london with paris in just over three hours . 乘坐高速火車從倫敦到巴黎只需3個多小時。

This bifunctional reagent links protein molecules to one another . 這種雙用試劑把蛋白質分子彼此連接起來。

It linked mathematics with a great variety of practical applications . 它把數學和許多實際應用聯系起來。

One atom of oxygen is linked to the nitrogen atom by a double bond . 一個氧原子以雙鍵與氮原子相連。