
liniment n.【藥學】搽劑,擦劑。


The queen s hotel , ennis , county , glare , where rudolph bloom rudolf virag died on the evening of the 27 june 1886 , at some hour unstated , in consequence of an overdose of monkshood aconite selfadministered in the form of a neuralgic liniment , composed of 2 parts of aconite liniment to 1 of chloroform liniment purchased by him at 10 . 20 a . m . on the morning of 27 june 1886 at the medical hall of francis dennehy , 17 church street , ennis after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at 3 . 15 p . m . on the afternoon of 27 june 1886 a new boater straw hat , extra smart after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at the hour and in the place aforesaid , the toxin aforesaid , at the general drapery store of james cullen , 4 main street , ennis 他服的是按附子搽劑二氯仿搽劑一系他于一八八六年六月二十七日上午十點二十分在恩尼斯教會街十七號弗朗西斯登內希藥房所購,按比例親自配制的神經痛搽劑。盡管并非由于此舉,然而在此舉之前,一八八六年六月二十七日下午三點十五分,他曾從恩尼斯的通衢大道四號詹姆斯卡倫普通服裝店購買了一頂嶄新而時髦的特級硬殼平頂草帽盡管并非由于此舉,然而在此舉之前,他于前文中所述的時刻與地點,購買了前邊提到的毒劑。

Best of all i like to hear him tell of his earlier days when he sold liniments and cough cures on street corners , living hand to mouth , heart to heart with the people , throwing heads or tails with fortune for his last coin 我最喜歡聽他講他早年怎樣在街頭販賣油膏和止咳藥,真是度日艱難,與群眾心貼心,與命運賭博來賺取每一分錢。

All the patients were treated with guyouling liniment , with which the injured site was rubbed ; besides , those in the study group were orally administrated by medicine for activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis 對照組采用骨友靈搽劑外擦患處;實驗組采用內服活血化瘀藥外擦患處方法進行治療。

A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced fritz of amsterdam , the thinking hyena 用燒得通紅的鐵棍烙過之后,再在燙傷處涂上膏藥,便把阿姆斯特丹的弗里茨,會思考的鬣狗造就出來了。

Experimental study on pharmacodynamics of anti - inflammatory , detumescence and acesodyne of compound huangmaodoufuchai liniment 復方黃毛豆腐柴搽劑的藥效學

Comparative study on transdermal osmosis in vitro of aconitum brachypodium liniment , gel and patcher 凝膠劑和巴布劑體外經皮滲透過程的比較

Study on anti - inflammatory and analgesic effects of xueshangyizhihao suxiao zhitong liniment 雪上一枝蒿速效止痛搽劑的抗炎鎮痛作用研究

A liniment or lotion 一種涂抹油或洗液

Can you use the liniment to obliterate these letters on the side of this page 你能用涂改液涂去這一頁邊上的這些字母嗎?

Simultaneous determination of three components in antipruritic liniment by gc 氣相色譜法同時測定止癢搽劑中三組分的含量

Can you remove these letters up the edge of this page with the liniment 你能用涂改液涂去這一頁邊上的這些字母嗎?

Experimental study of antiinflammatory and detumescent effects of shangjin liniment 傷筋擦劑治療骨性關節炎的研究

Studies on the anti - inflammatory and analgesia effects of the indolacin liniment 吲哚拉新搽劑的抗炎鎮痛作用研究

Can you remove these letters at the edge of this page with liniment 你能用涂改液涂去這一頁邊上的這些字母嗎?

Can you remove these words in this page with a liniment 你能用涂改液涂去這一頁邊上的這些字母嗎?

Hptlc densitometric determination of triptolide in triptolide liniment 螺旋藻多糖含量測定

A liniment that burns when first applied 第一次使用時就感到熾熱的擦劑

You should rub this liniment in hard 你應該使勁地將這種搽劑揉進皮膚里去。