
linguistics n.語言學。 comparative linguisti...


You are here to learn the mysteries of kung fu , not linguistics 你是來學武的,不是學講話

On the study of chinese etymology to applied linguistics 面向應用語言學的漢語詞源研究芻議

Linguistics is an important branch in cognitive science 語言學是認知科學的一個重要分支。

Mathematic linguistics barrier and it ' s relational questions 數學語言障礙及其關系問題探析

Symposium on foreign linguistics in chinese context 研討會暨本刊編委會擴大會議在北京召開

The orogin of methodology of historical comparative linguistics 歷史比較語言學方法論溯源

On disciplinary ascription of legal linguistics 論法律語言學的學科歸屬

Spirit of natural scientific study into modern linguistics 當代語言學研究的自然科學精神

Corpus linguistics and english language teaching 語料庫語言學與英語教學

On the issues of applied linguistics as an academic discipline 關于應用語言學的學科建設

Pragmatism and chinese traditional linguistics 實用主義與中國傳統語言學

On the order principle of iconicity in cognitive linguistics 認知語言學中的順序擬象原則

A review of recent research in russian applied linguistics 俄羅斯應用語言學研究近況分析

English english linguistics and literature 英文-全球性英語及英語文學研究

Linguistic philosophy and philosophical linguistics 語言哲學與哲學語言學

The culture linguistics analysis on the place name of shanyin 山陰地名的文化語言學分析

For a linguistics symposium in brussels 布魯塞爾參加一個語言學的討論會

Thoughts on the study of western linguistics 關于外國語言學研究的幾點思考

Developing trend of chinese linguistics and countermeasure 中國語言學的發展趨勢與對策