
linguist n.1.語言學家。2.通多種外國語的人。


Ray iwata has presented the details of a database on chinese dialectology developed by a large group of dedicated linguists in japan 巖田禮詳細描述了日本語言學家為研究中國方言而建立的語音數據庫。

Isabella moore of cilt said : “ the uk needs linguists and people who can speak a language as an adjunct to other skills 國家語言中心的伊莎貝拉摩爾說: “英國需要語言學家和會說外語的各類人才。 ”

Neither the mnemonic devices so much valued by some psychologists nor the semantically based strategies favored by some linguists ( e . g 語言學家推崇的許多記憶手段和學習策略均沒有受學生的歡迎。

Linguists guess that these are nonsense words because they have not been able to trace them back to any of the ancestor languages 語言學家猜想無意義單詞的存在是因為它們無法追溯到任何原始語言。

Isabella moore of cilt said : “ the uk needs linguists and people who can speak a language as an adjunct to other skills 國家語言中心的伊莎貝拉?摩爾說: “英國需要語言學家和會說外語的各類人才。 ”

Linguists have paid more attention to the latter , which has been an important field of historical linguistics 后一類語言演變近年來受到歷史語言學家普遍關注,成為歷史語言學的一個重要研究領域。

Active participation and cooperation from universities , especially linguists and translators of english , should be solicited 應當吸引來自大學,特別是英語語言學家和翻譯的積極參與及合作。

This practice , which has been criticised by linguists and intellectuals in china , is gaining popularity here 中國也曾出現過這種風氣,招致語言學者和文化界人士的批評。此風在本地尤盛。

This practice , which has been criticised by linguists and intellectuals in china , is gaining popularity here 中國也曾出現過這種風氣,招致語言學者和文化界人士的批評。此風在本地尤盛。

An international organization of librarians , booksellers , translators , linguists , publishers , writers , journalists , and collectors -提供線上查詢單字的普通話拼音廣東話直音和部首

The distinguished speaker who will address us on “ a history of english ” is the american linguist , dr . smith 向我們演講“英語的歷史”的杰出演講者是美國語言學家史密斯博士。

In the past two decades , a growing number of linguists have become interested in the study of sign language 在過去的二十年中,越來越多的語言學家可是對手語的研究開始感興趣。

The distinguished eaker who will addre us on “ a history of english ” is the american linguist , dr . smith 向我們演講“英語的歷史”的杰出演講者是美國語言學家史密斯博士。

As secretary to his father in europe , he became an accomplished linguist and assiduous diarist 作為其父在歐洲任職期間的秘書,他在那里熟諳了多種語言,并開始勤勉地寫日記。

Two linguists may study the same language from different vantage points , and independently of each other 兩個語言學家可以從兩種不同的視點研究相同的語言,并且彼此獨立。

Xu guozhang ( 1915 - 1994 ) , a native of xincang , haining , was an english educator , translator and linguist 許國璋( 1915 - 1994 )英語教育家、翻譯家、語言學家。海寧新倉人。

Linguists theorize about the relationship between the structure of language and the ways in which language is used 語言學家把語言結構及語言運用方式做理論上的說明。

This is the question addressed by linguists and psycholinguists exploring the structure of a language 這個問題由語言學家和語言心理學家在探索語言結構時所提出。

What we are going to introduce briefly is the predication analysis proposed by the linguist g leech 我們現在要介紹的是英國語言學家g里奇提出的述謂結構分析法。