
lingual adj.1.舌的,舌狀的,舌旁的。2.【語音】舌音的。3...


Visual production is a bi - lingual and bi - monthly academic journal of chinese contemporary art 《視覺生產》雜志是中國第一本關于當代藝術的學術性、中英文雙語雜志,雙月刊發行。

Multi - lingual user interface pack for adam is also available for dowload - x86 and x64 builds are provided below Adam多語言使用者介面mui套件亦提供下載- x86和x64版本如下。

Methods : casting clasp between teeth ( ccbt ) is set up between buccal arid lingual embrasure of two abutment teeth 方法:在兩基牙間的頰、齦外展隙內設置牙間卡(發夾卡) 。

Since canada is a bi - lingual country , all government agencies are required to use both english and french 由于加拿大是說兩種語言的國家,所有政府機構都須使用英語及法語

Already , janey and stuartie are working on being tri - lingual , and their parents have achieved this 簡妮和斯圖爾迪已經在努力學習,要和他們的父母一樣精通三種語文。

Courses can be taught in various south east asian languages by our consultants , whom are multi - lingual 課程將由我們會多種語言的顧問用各種不同的東南亞語言教授。

Welcome to moonlightchest moonlightchest . com is a publicly accessible multi - topic bi - lingual web site 月光寶盒網站是一個公開容易使用和多項目的雙語綜合網站。

Whole day , direct subsidy , co - educational , bi - lingual primary school . english and chinese -位于鴨利洲的全日制小學,提供學校介紹課外活動家教會等資訊。

It represents the highest achivements of chinese ancient drama “ literary grace style “ ' s lingual art 它代表了中國古代戲曲“文采派”語言藝術的最高成就

A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual - facial - buccal dyskinesia was made 診斷考慮可能為賽克利嗪引起的舌-面-頰部運動障礙。

Tum also publishes bi - lingual modern children ' s books by chinese authers to the world 同時,泛聯圖書向世界以中英文雙語的方式出版現代中國兒童讀物。

The emergency center is open 7 days a week , 24 hours a day and employs a multi - lingual staff 緊急中心一周7天,每天24小時,由多國語言人員提供服務。

The probe and practice on bi - lingual teaching of courses for automatic majors in technical institutes 高校自動化專業課程雙語教學的探討與實踐

Hammocks , live music and a multi - lingual library are some of the other attractions 吊床現場音樂和多語種的圖書館是其他一些吸引游客的地方。

On the bi - lingual teaching reform in minority areas a case study in dehong prefecture of yunnan province 以云南德宏傣族景頗族自治州為例

Must have bi - lingual english / chinese language skills verbal and written , preferably technical 熟練的英語和中文交流技能,技術背景優先。

Analysis of lingual picture in 329 cases of drug addicts during different stages of drug - withdrawal 肝痹湯治療抗癆藥后肝損害療效觀察

Cultural differences between the east and the west and their influences on inter - lingual translation 論中西文化差異及其對翻譯的影響

Lateral lingual swelling 側舌隆起