
lingua n.(pl. -guae )1.舌;下咽頭。2.語言。

lingua franca

At one level , this is simply incorrect : in our vicinity , cultural studies programmes are forming in many languages chinese , japanese and korean , for example , although there is no doubt that english is the regional lingua franca in which such programmes talk to each other as well the global academy 墨美姬教授認為,這說法是絕對與事實不符的:環顧我們的鄰近地區,文化研究課程正以多種語言例如中文日文及韓文在形成但無可置疑的是,這些課程都以英語作為地區性的共同語言,以及與全球學術界溝通的媒介。

When the conversations moves on to television , as it does regularly … ( television and movies being the lingua franca of boys from six to that ever - moving outer boundary of adolescence ) … , the boy is a dunce 當談話從球賽轉向視頻游戲時,這個孩子成了一個失敗者;當交談繼續下去、進而轉向電視的時候? ?就像通常情況那樣(在6歲至青春期之前的男孩子眼里,電視和電影是同一種東西) ? ?這個男孩成了一個傻瓜。

Forget esperanto . too straightforward . the lingua franca that is increasingly spanning the globe is a tongue - twisting accounting - speak that is forcing even americans to rethink some precious notions of financial sovereignty 過于超前的“世界語”已經被人遺棄。人們在推廣“會計世界語”的過程中同樣遇到了磕磕碰碰,目空一切的美國人也開始重新考慮金融主權問題中一些有價值的理念。

At the mention of monte cristo dant s started with joy ; he rose to conceal his emotion , and took a turn around the smoky tavern , where all the languages of the known world were jumbled in a lingua franca 提到基督山島,唐太斯就興奮得心跳加速,為了掩飾自己的情緒,他站起身來,在那煙霧騰騰,集世界上各種各樣的語言為一種混合語的獨桅船上兜了一個圈。

A polyglot , varied country like the united states needs a national lingua franca , something that allows the members of any minority subculture to communi - cate on a friendly basis with people from vastly differ - ent backgrounds 一個像美國一樣語言混雜的國家需要一種世界語,使各個亞文化的成員能夠與背景極其不同的人們友好地交流。

Moreover , our island has managed to survive amid the malay archipelagos , partly thanks to the use of english as a lingua franca among its multiracial population 此外,我國的多元種族的社會背景,小島國以英語為通用語言,屹立在馬來群島的海洋之中。

They speak over 100 local languages and dialects , of which the tagalog - based filipino is the lingua franca , as well english , with an accent 他們使用100多種不同的語言和方言,以他加祿語為基礎的菲律賓語是通用語言,并講有濃重菲律賓口音的英語。

Lingua : : en : : fathom , by kim ryan , can analyze a file or a block of text , and produce various statistics about its input Kim ryan開發的lingua : : en : : fathom可以分析一個文件或一個文本塊,并產生有關其輸入的各種統計信息。

One of hong kong s traditional advantages has been the widespread teaching and use of english - the lingua franca of international business 教育,不會出現在任何人的資產負債表上,但它是一切的關鍵。

In the german - speaking areas , german is the lingua franca . the ordinary people do not speak french but understand it 在德語區內,通用的是德文與德語,普通人雖不講法語卻聽得懂法語。

English is the lingua franca in the business community , while mandarin chinese is also widely spoken 英語是商業社會的通用語言,而普通話也是廣泛使用的語言。

Soap is the best hope yet to develop a lingua franca for server - to - server communication Soap至今仍是開發服務器-對-服務器通訊lingura franca的最大希望所在。

Lingua franca was a common language that allowed medieval mediterranean civilizations to communicate Lingua franca是中古地中海民族進行交流的一種通用語言。

The cpan lingua modules can give you power and flexibility in any text analysis task Cpan lingua模塊可以在任何文本分析任務中為您提供功能和靈活性。

Once a lingua franca is established , it takes a long time to shift 通用語言一旦形成,它的地位就不會在短時間內受到撼動。

English is the lingua franca 美式英語亦通行。

Swahili is the principal lingua franca in east africa 東非的主要交際語是斯瓦希里語