
lingo n.(pl. lingoes) 〔蔑稱〕聽不懂的話〔指外...


For boosting the efficiency of web ir and reinforcing the interaction between system and user , this thesis improves the completeness and time complexity under some situation of the lingo algorithm , which is used for web page on - line clustering 為提高web信息檢索的效率,加強系統與用戶的動態交互,本文改進了一種適合網頁在線聚類的lingo算法,加強了算法的完備性,降低了部分情況下的時間復雜度。

There are other expressions like one actor , two roles one platter , two tastes etc . , which pepper the theatre lingo as well as our vernacular . this year , the leisure and cultural services department is presenting the second legends of china 今年康樂及文化事務署再次選辦中國傳奇這個專題藝術節,與二一年的首辦,在這一、二屆之間,又有何變化和趣味?

There are other expressions like one actor , two roles one platter , two tastes etc . , which pepper the theatre lingo as well as our vernacular . this year , the leisure and cultural services department is presenting the second legends of china 今年康樂及文化事務署再次選辦中國傳奇這個專題藝術節,與二一年的首辦,在這一二屆之間,又有何變化和趣味?

But it warn t no use ; he stormed right along , and said any man that pretended to be an englishman and couldn t imitate the lingo no better than what he did was a fraud and a liar 可是不論你怎么勸說,都沒有用,他還是一個勁兒地大發雷霆。還說不論什么人,裝做英國人卻又英國話說得那么糟,準是個騙子,是個撒謊的家伙。

One was alive , would you believe it , muttering something in their lingo . theyre a clean people , lads , said the first . whitewhy , as white as a birch - tree , and brave they are , i must say , and gentlemen too “個個都白白凈凈的,弟兄們, ”第一個說話的人說, “白的,就像樺樹皮一樣白,有的儀表威武,說不定還是貴族。 ”

Beimacnews will be a bilingual mac magazine , so those not well - versed in the lingo of 1 . 3 billion won ' t feel left out . ( think of it , it ' s probably also a great way to practise your chinese 《北麥刊》會是一個雙語雜志,所以即使你不會英文,你也可以讀到華語內容,但是同時也可以用此刊物練一練你的英語

The models successfully map 2 - order iir filtering algorithm on processor array with 4 processing elements . during the process , a linear and nonlinear programming software - lingo is used to solve the model 對iir濾波算法在4個pe的處理器陣列上的映射建立了模型,并使用lingo規劃軟件進行了模型求解。

By using lingo software , coefficients can be estimated for linear least absolute deviations regression quickly and accurately , making it an effective approach to coefficient estimation 利用lingo軟件能夠快速、準確地估計出最小一乘線性回歸的參數,從而使其成為一種有效的參數估計方法。

This tutorial along with the others in this series is for you if you want to familiarize yourself with cryptology , its techniques , its mathematical and conceptual basis , and its lingo 本教程(以及本系列的其它教程)適合于希望熟悉密碼學及其技術、數學和概念基礎以及專門術語的程序員。

Whether you ' re a project manager or just a member of a project team , you can ' t avoid all the project management lingo flying around in offices around the world today 不管你是一位項目經理或只是項目團隊中的一員,今日全世界在辦公室執行任何項目的溝通用語是無可避免的。

Check out this office lingo that you may hear your boss using when things aren ' t going to plan , when a project is running late , or when the stock - market has crashed 看一看這個辦公室的術語,你也許會聽到你的老板這樣說起項目運作延遲,或是股票市場崩盤!

Based on the objective function requirement of iscm , software lingo is analyzed and chosen as the simulation tool for iscm 根據iscm模型目標函數的多目標規劃要求,分析了數學軟件lingo的特點,并選取其作為iscm模型的仿真工具。

The mexican tilingo lingo group will spearhead the series of activities with a tour of music and dances at various lcsd venues in mid - september 率先來港的墨西哥鈴歌樂隊,將于九月中在康文署多個場地作節前音樂舞蹈巡回演出。

The kids you see in this photo are practicing , or in jazz lingo , jamming , for the monday night jazz series 照片中的小孩正在為星期一夜晚的爵士樂系列進行練習,或者以爵士樂術語表示,她正在即興演出。

I ' ve finally decided it ' s about time i knew some of the lingo and mandarin is much more useful than the local dialect 我最后決定了,該是時候學一寫地道話和普通話了,這可能會比學本地的方言有用一點。

The paper advances that we can transform the curve fitting into mathematiclal programming model and it can be realized by lingo 文章提出了將曲線擬合問題轉化為數學規劃模型,并使用lingo軟件來求解。

As always , the yearly list gives meaning to the latest lingo in pop culture , technology and current events 與往常一樣, 《韋氏詞典》今年收入的詞匯也是流行文化、技術和時事領域里出現的新詞。

My “ opportunity cost “ ( i think now is a good time to start showing off some b - school lingo ) was staggering 我的“機會成本” (我想現在可以開始炫耀一些商學院的行話了)奇高無比。

The state ' s silicon valley also contributed to english ' s high tech lingo : software , hardware and megabyte 這一州的矽谷也增加了英語的高科技字匯:軟體、硬體及百萬位元。