
linger vi.逗留;徘回;拖延。vt.挨過,拖延(時間)。 li...


When the lingering dusk drew on, she stole out to effect some purchases necessary for her father's comfort . 等到天色慢慢地黑了,她便偷偷地走出去買了幾樣東西來使她的父親能享受享受。

There stirred far down within him the ghost of warmth, as from sparks lingering beneath a mound of flaky ash . 他的內心深處涌起了一陣殘余的溫情,就象一堆灰燼里遺留的火星一樣。

Dane had taken a fancy to him, hung on his words, lingered near him; justine was plain jealous . 丹尼對他很感興趣,老是想和他說話,老是纏綿地想要接近他,這使賈斯丁非常妒忌。

I lingered till the sun went down amongst the trees, and sank crimson and clear behind them . 我們在這里一直逗留到太陽沉入樹叢,又紅彤彤,明晃晃地在樹叢后面沉落。

When lord gravesend's family retired to the country, harry still remained lingering on in london . 格雷夫森德勛爵一家到鄉下去了,哈利仍留在倫敦游蕩。

Each shot of spray lingers on the beetle's body and may take several minutes to evaporate . 每次放射后殘留在甲蟲軀體上的液體要經過幾分鐘才揮發干凈。

The night being fine, little knots of hands were here and there lingering at street corners . 那天晚上天氣很好,工人們三五成群地在每條街頭徘徊著。

He lingered in pain for a long time, and then died, bewailing his lost youth . 他在痛苦中茍延殘喘了很長一個時期,最后痛惜他那失去的青春而死去。

But the strange expression that he had noticed in the face of the portrait seemed to linger there . 他剛才看到的古怪表情似乎還留在肖像的臉部。

A couple had lingered purposely to watch the maid serve the chop to princess thingumabob . 一對夫婦故意拖拖拉拉想見識女招待伺候西哥瑪勃公主。

Whether he had died or still lingered in the dungeons of austria was not known . 他究竟是已離人世,還是仍被關在奧地利的地牢里,誰也不知道。

The lingering question was whether new york could keep its taxes sufficiently high . 一直使人懸念的問題是紐約能否征收足夠高額的稅款。

They lingered a moment at the foot of doctor sloper's white marble steps . 他們在斯洛潑醫生家白色大理石臺階前又躑躅了一會兒。

Some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended . 音樂會結束后很長時間,有些人還在大廳里盤旋。

Archer's laugh lingered on his lips in a slightly condescending smile . 阿切爾的大笑長時間掛在嘴邊,變成一抹屈尊的的微笑。

His tone lingered in the air, almost like the tone of a musical instrument . 他的聲音留連在空中,幾乎好像一種樂器的音調。

Did the ghost of that grand passion linger in some corner of his heart ? 難道那種崇高感情的殘魂還逗留在他心田的某一角嗎?

Thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony . 成千上萬的另一些人在痛苦中掙扎之后慢慢死去。

He stood there probing its shadows, tracing its lingering echoes . 他站在那觀察它的陰影,追尋縈回不散的回聲。