
linesman 1. 【電學】線務員,線路工人。2.護路工,養路工。3....


We are specialized in producing screwdriver , screwdriver set , ratchet screwdriver voltage tester , precision screwdriver , plier , long nose plier , bent nose plier , diagonal cutting plier , linesman plier , mini plier , end nipper plier , joint type plier , pearl nipper plier , extemal snap ring plier , fishing plier , multi - purpose combination plier , heavry duty pipe wrench , wrench , bolt cutter , and other combined tools 公司專業生產螺絲刀,棘輪螺絲刀,老虎鉗,螺絲刀套裝,螺絲刀批頭,電筆,鉗類:鋼絲鉗,尖嘴鉗,彎嘴鉗,迷你鉗. ,大力鉗,斷線鉗,頂切鉗,電纜鉗,釣魚鉗,擋圈鉗,水管鉗,航空剪,扎線鉗,胡桃鉗,扳手,套筒,銼刀,和各類組合套裝工具

However , this time his share of the merit must be bigger than usual , because not only did he rescue the team with a number of fantastic saves , he also held back an out - of - control giorgio chiellini as the full back threatened to attack the linesman in a way which would surely have penalised both him and the team 不過這一次,他的那份功勞顯然要比平時更多,不僅因為他數次做出完美的撲救,還因為他及時堵住了情緒失控的小齊的嘴,當時這個后衛正要和裁判好好理論一番,毫無疑問如果他這的這樣做了,那將會對他自己和球隊產生很不利的影響。

Germany equalized through a scrappy goal which took the game into extra - time , but england regrouped , dominated the added period and took the lead again through hurst with a hotly disputed goal via a decision from a russian linesman 德國打進一球將比賽托入加時,但英格蘭重新振作,控制了加時賽,并由赫斯特打進一爭議進球再度取得領先,作出判罰的是一名俄羅斯邊裁。

Sol campbell ' s teeth - rattling 21st - minute tackle on didier drogba was a rare example of the sort of act that stiffens a whole team ' s morale , but its effect was immediately negated when the linesman ' s flag cancelled robin van persie ' s strike 我們認為這是一個好球,裁判做出了一個非常不好的判罰。不過,同切爾西隊相比,我們在經驗和體能上確實都要遜色一些。

“ i saw that the goal was valid , but unfortunately the linesman did not see it . these are tight decisions and can be given or not , ” said coach giampiero gasperini “我看到那個進球是有效的,但不幸的是巡邊員并沒有看見。這個嚴厲的判罰足以決定比賽的結果, ”教練詹皮耶羅?加斯佩里尼說。

“ gilardino ' s was an absolutely fine goal , the linesman was too far away to make a judgement , “ he added . fiorentina coach cesare prandelli praised the way his side had coped with milan 吉拉迪諾的進球絕對是一個好球,那位邊裁當時距離太遠了,他根本無法對這個球做出任何判斷。 ”

Referee halsey checked with the linesman and gave a goal - kick , at which point jose mourinho rose furiously from his bench to demand from halsey why he hadn ' t booked johnson for diving 裁判哈爾西征詢邊裁意見,給了球門球,而穆帥則因為沒有向假摔的約翰遜出示黃牌了憤怒不已。

This may result in safety issues arising with linesmen operating the unit , and also may cause the legal conflict per ip protection law 因為該產品無法滿足所承諾的性能,可能對使用者帶來安全危害,而且,還會帶來侵犯知識產權的法律糾紛。

A : then when you played the second serve again , the linesman ruled that the ball went out of bounds . i could have sworn that i saw it hit the sideline 然后當你重新再發第二球時,巡邊員判球出界了,我可以發誓我看到球打中了邊線。

Then when you played the second serve again , the linesman ruled that the ball went out of bounds . i could have sworn that i saw it hit the sideline 然后當你重新再發第二球時,巡邊員判球出界了,我可以發誓我看到球打中了邊線。

We beat them 2 - 0 very comfortably and we scored a third , an amazing goal from crespo that the linesman didn ' t give 我們2 : 0完勝他們,我們有第三個進球,克雷斯波的一個相當驚奇的進球,被邊裁給抹殺了。 ”

The linesman did not give a free - kick but the referee , who was 30 metres away , decides to give a free - kick 邊裁沒有判任意球,而30米外的主裁卻判給他們一個任意球。 ”

A linesman signaled “ off - side “ , but the referee overruled him and ordered “ play on “ 一個巡邊員做手勢表示“出界” ,但裁判員否決了他的裁定并命令“繼續進行比賽” 。

Assistant referee linesman 邊裁巡邊員

The linesman gave it despite gallas being between him and the ball 邊裁不顧加拉擋住自己視線硬是判進球有效。

Overhead linesman constructs , maintains and repairs overhead line systems 建造、保養及修理架空電線系統。

Are the linesmen all here ? who is the head 局線員都到齊了嗎?誰是組長?

I ' d like to be a linesman , but it ' s such a hassle 我想做邊判,但那很麻煩

That football player appealed to the linesman 那個足球運動員聽取了巡邊員的決定。