
lineate adj.有線的;標線的;有條紋的。


Bridge health remote monitoring is a method to monitor a bridge in lineate or wireless way in real time , it changes the traditional way of monitoring by manpower , works more automatically , highly increase the response speed when any structure breakage is happened , save manpower and material resource , through this method , people can also manage many bridges in one place remotely 橋梁遠程監測是利用有線或無線通信方式實現橋梁狀態實時遠程監測的方法,它改變了傳統的以人工為主的監測手段,大大提高了橋梁監測的自動化程度,提高了對橋梁結構損壞和突發事件的反應速度,節約人力物力,是國內外的熱點研究領域。

Storage , a very important chain of material flow , now is supervised manually or in the state of semi - automation in china . its efficiency is not high . in recent years , some of corporations realize partial integration of information , but mode of communications is lineate mostly 貨場作為物資流通過程中的一個重要環節,目前我國基本處于人工管理或半自動化管理狀態,效率不高,雖然現在有一些企業已經實現了倉儲系統的部分信息集成,但其通訊方式大多數以有線通訊為主,這種通訊方式存在一定的弊端,某些環節還不能實現無紙作業。

The design built the wireless lan application platform with the modes of switching in the wireless lan and bar - code scan technology of wireless hand terminal ; made ap switch in warehouse exchanger by lineate method to get in lineate lan of the corporation , and joined the wireless lan into lineate lan by the wireless hand terminal communication to ap with protocols 整個硬件環境設計采用了無線網絡接入方式和無線手持終端、條碼掃描技術建立無線網絡應用平臺, ap以有線方式接入立體倉庫交換機與企業有線網絡接通,無線手持終端通過協議與ap通信實現無線網絡與有線網絡連通。