
linearize vt.(-ized, -izing) 直線[線性]化。n...


The recombinant transfer vector pbacpak - hbmp was constructed by insertion of the hbmp coding sequences into the multiple cloning site of transfer vector pbacpak . 8 . bmn cell line was co - transfected with pbacpak - hbmp plasmid and linearized baculovirus bacpak6 dna by dosper agent 將克隆到的hbmp基因通過適當的酶切插入到轉移載體質粒pbac - pak8的多克隆位點中,獲得重組轉移載體質粒pbacpak - hbmp 。

A perturbation guidance technique is then used ; the equations of motion in the longitudinal channel are linearized around the nominal trajectories and linear quadratic control laws are developed on the deviation of the aircraft states from these nominal values 本文針對飛機的時變非線性縱向動力學模型,沿給定的起飛軌跡建立小擾動線性化方程,通過線性二次型最優控制使飛機沿給定的起飛軌跡飛行。

Based on these models , two kinds of linearized simulink models and a nonlinear simulink model of simple hydro - electricity system are founded and the latter can simulate the variation of power transmission network before and after short - circuit happened 基于這些模型,建立了水電系統線性化simulink模型和具有模擬輸電網絡短路前后不同階段網絡結構變化功能的非線性simulink模型。

The 4th order mathematic model of the load simulator is established and its linear form is obtained by linearizing at operating conditions . also the coefficients of the linear model are calculated and discussed , based on measured characteristics of the proportional valve 然后采用了機理建模的方法建立了系統的四階數學模型,應用工作點近似線性化的方法,對系統進行線性化處理。

And with the pulse width modulation method , linearized the electrostatic force producer . it deeply analyzed the speciality of the electrostatic force closed - loop plan , and worked out the system parameters from automatic control theory and simulation 深入分析了靜電式脈寬調制閉環方案的系統特性,結合自控原理理論和仿真分析對靜電式脈寬調制閉環系統參數進行設計計算。

Based on the theory presented by toumi , several integral paths are selected and with linearized scheme numerical simulations of two - phase flow in the shock tube are done for investigating the effects on integral paths 然后對toumi提出的求解二相流的線性化格式進行了研究,確定了所用的積分路徑,編制了計算程序,并對激波管內兩相流動過程進行了數值模擬。

The nonlinear equation of aircraft is linearized by state transforming differential relationship between input and a new input , and the nonlinear system is decoupled to a one order linear system and a two order linear system 通過狀態變換輸出與新輸入間的線性微分關系使非線性飛機方程反饋線性化,將原非線性系統解耦為一個一階和一個二階線性系統。

At first , the original system with twelve - order differential equation is linearized to a six - order system by the dfl theory , and then control laws are designed by classical control method 首先以飛機原始非線性十二階微分方程為對象,利用直接反饋線性化( dfl )理論對飛機原始非線性方程進行線性化,將原系統等效于一個六階的線性系統。

The solution of the original nonlinear problem is reasonably approximated by means of a series of random vibration analyses for the linearized structure using the pseudo excitation method 本文方法充分利用了虛擬激勵法求解復雜線性結構高效、精確的優點,以一系列線性問題的迭代分析,迅速地求得原非線性問題合理的近似解。

When the magnetic ( electronic ) field approaches to the threshold and saturation field , the angle is very small , we can linearize and simplify the calculation because the angle is very small 因此計算液晶盒閾值和飽和場強是很重要的問題。對于接近閾值和飽和的情況,可以用小角度近似,把問題線性化,使計算大大簡化。

Because the linearized engine model is time - invariant , it is well known that the kalman filter gain matrix converges to a unique constant value if the system is both fully observable and controllable 由于發動機線性模型是可控可觀測的定常系統,增益k陣趨于唯一常量,可利用matlab直接求解riccati方程,離線解得k值。

Last but not least , based on the aerodynamics of wind power machines , using the torque observer and speed estimator , a linearized direct speed control wind power generation model has been presentated 最后,針對風速的多變性,根據風力機的動力特性,利用狀態估計方法,提出了一種變速風力發電機直接速度控制模型。

At the same time it has a simple control structure and can linearize the system even it is unnecessary to know mathematical models and actual parameters of original system 而且控制結構簡單,在無須知道系統的數學模型和具體參數的情況下,即可實現系統的大范圍線性化,從而為逆系統方法的工程實現提供了一條有效途徑。

And the basic two - dimensional transient state equations for semiconductor device are dispersed and linearized . the matrix - vector form of the basic functions is get . and the solution methods are also discussed 離散和線性化了二維瞬態半導體基本方程,并得到了其矩陣-矢量方程形式,同時還討論了其求解的方法。

The original nonlinear system is linearized to one one - order system and one two - order system . then design methods for linear systems are adopted to design each system separately 然后,用線性控制方法分別對各線性系統獨立進行設計,這樣原非線性系統的輸出跟蹤問題便轉化為線性化解耦后的各子系統的輸出跟蹤問題。

In this article , by use of basic concepts of the weighted space distance , a set of locally linearized models is simply and effectively combined into a global description of a nonlinear plant 本研究藉由空間距離權重的概念,提出簡便且有效的方法,結合一組局部線性化模式成為一整體的模式,可準確地代表線性程序。

The experiment of high energy c ^ e ~ collisions , for its simple initial state and clean background , is considered as an idea experiment for the study of the non - linearized dynamics hi soft - hard processes 高能e ~ + e ~ -碰撞以其特有的清晰的初態和干凈的背景,被認為是研究軟-硬過程中的非線性動力學的理想實驗

At last we provide the model with transaction costs with a view to the capital is large enough . we linearize transaction costs function to linear function , then we research the model 在理想狀態下,即投資者可以支配的資金為充分大的情況下,將交易費函數近似線性化,研究了含有交易費的證券組合投資模型。

The mathematic model of magnetic system is set up . by linearizing the mathematic model in the equilibrium point , the author gets the state function and transfer function of the system 建立了磁懸浮系統的數學模型,并對數學模型在平衡點附近進行了線性化,得到了系統的狀態方程和傳遞函數。