
linear adj.1.線的,直線的。2.長度的。3.【數學】一次的...

linear accelerator

Other linear trends may also exist, but much of the activity seems somewhat random in nature . 也許還有其他的線狀趨勢帶,但是,大量活動就其性質而言,看來有點隨機性。

The determinant of an array which has as a row a linear combination of two or more other rows is zero . 當一個方陣的某一行是另兩行或幾行的線性組合時,其行列式為零。

Mundry uses the same principle for three layered systems with linear expansion or rotational symmetry . 穆恩德瑞將同一原理應用于具線性延伸或轉動對稱的三層狀系統。

The solution of the set of second-order linear differential equations (6.10) depends on the eigenvalues of a . 二階線性微分方程組(610)的解依賴于A的特征值。

The decline in viability of the algae is exponential and can not be related to a linear dose effect . 小球藻生活力的降低是指數性質的,而與線性劑量效應無關。

A much clearer insight into the behaviour of linear systems is obtained by using a normalization procedure . 用標稱化的方法可以更清楚地理解線性系統的性質。

The future of high temperature organic solids lies with intrinsically rigid, linear macromolecules . 高溫有機物固體的前途在于它具有真正剛硬,線型的大分子。

The remnant n(t)is the difference between the actual pilot output and the linear approximation to it . 剩余值n(t)是駕駛員的真實輸出和它的線性近似之差。

An important case is the linear homogeneous second-order differential equation with constant coefficients . 一種重要的情形是常系數二階線性齊次微分方程。

The analysis of statically indeterminate structures generally requires the solution of linear simultaneous . 靜不定結構分析一般需要求解線性聯立方程式。

However, it is preferable to utilize the semilog linear plot method with several experimental points . 不過,用幾個試驗點作半對數線形圖的方法更為可取。

We are interested in determining the amount of linear momentum delivered to the electron by the field . 我們對確定場傳遞給電子的線性動量的大小感興趣。

The linear rollback method is perhaps the simplest one based directly on air monitoring data . 線性壓值法也許是直接根據監測資料所得到的最簡單的方法。

Graphite and even its linear counterpart, poly (p-phenylene) are too insoluble, infusible, and brittle . 石墨甚至其線性物聚苯,過于不溶,不溶和發脆。

Even a nominally linear device can be linear only up to a certain limiting amplitude . 即使名義上為線性的裝置,僅在某個有限的振輻之內才可能為線性。

By definition an exclusively difunctional monomer can only give rise to a linear polymer . 按照定義,一個特定的雙官能單體,僅僅能得到線型聚合物。

Both methods result in tridiagonal systems of linear equations that can be solved efficiently . 兩種方法都形成了有效求解的三對角線的線性方程組。

In linear theory there is no difference between eulerian and lagrangian descriptions . 在線性理論中,歐勒描述和拉格朗日描述之間是沒什么不同的。

Systems of linear differential equations can be handled by using the methods of linear algebra . 線性微分方程組可以應用線性代數中的方法求解。