
lineament n.〔常 pl.〕面貌;輪廓;特征。


The comparison of cenozoic basalts and their mantle xenoliths from both sides of the taihangshan gravity lineament reveals that : ( 1 ) cenozoic basalts from western and eastern north china display opposite temporal trends , suggesting lithospheric thinning in western north china during the cenozoic and lithospheric thickening in eastern north china ; ( 2 ) the lithospheric mantle in the west is mostly late - archean to proterozoic in age , whereas that in the east has a modern age with minor proterozoic age ; ( 3 ) the crust mantle transition in the west is considerably thicker than in the east , probably due to different extents of magmatic underplating 摘要通過對比華北太行山重力梯度帶兩側新生代玄武巖及其中幔源包體的成分,發現: ( l )華北東、西部新生代玄武巖具有相反的演化趨勢,說明新生代以來西部巖石圈逐漸減薄,而東部巖石圈逐漸加厚; ( 2 )西部巖石圈地幔組成相對復雜,年齡多為晚太古代元古代;而東部巖石圈地幔組成相對單一,年齡多為現代值,少數為元古代; ( 3 )西部殼幔過渡帶較厚而東部較薄,反映兩地不同的巖漿底侵作用程度。

Ll , when you came back to work , i was muzzy as a foolish baby , think about every sentence you said , every word , your lineament , your eyes , you shake my hand for so long time and my heart always be in touched , you gave me a killing kiss with my no consciousness , i have no leeway , ll 下午你去上班的時候,我在麥當勞傻傻的坐著發呆,想著你說過的每一句話,每一個字,想著你的模樣,你的眼神,想著你握著我的手,一直暖暖的,想著你突然轉身給我一個深情的吻,我已經完全無可救藥了, ll !

Major , trace element composition and sr - nd - pb isotopes of the cenozoic basalts from yangyuan ( hebei province ) and datong ( shanxi province ) , which are located to west of the daxinanling - taihanshan gravity lineament , as well as mineral chemistry , major and trace element composition and sr - nd isotopes of mantle xenoliths from yangyuan are reported in this thesis 本文報道了大興安嶺-太行山重力梯度帶以西河北陽原和山西大同新生代玄武巖的元素和sr - nd - pb同位素地球化學及陽原幔源包體的礦物化學、元素和sr - nd同位素地球化學,據此對華北克拉通西部上地幔的性質和過程進行了初步討論。

No charm was wanting , no defect was perceptible ; the young girl had regular and delicate lineaments ; eyes shaped and coloured as we see them in lovely pictures , large , and dark , and full ; the long and shadowy eyelash which encircles a fine eye with so soft a fascination ; the pencilled brow which gives such clearness ; the white smooth forehead , which adds such repose to the livelier beauties of tint and ray ; the cheek oval , fresh , and smooth ; the lips , fresh too , ruddy , healthy , sweetly formed ; the even and gleaming teeth without flaw ; the small dimpled chin ; the ornament of rich , plenteous tresses - all advantages , in short , which , combined , realise the ideal of beauty , were fully hers 英格蘭溫和的氣候所能塑造的最可愛的面容,英格蘭濕潤的風和霧蒙蒙的天空所能催生,所能庇護的最純正的玫瑰色和百合色這種描繪,在眼前這個例子中證明是恰到好處的。不缺一絲嫵媚,不見任何缺陷。這位年輕姑娘面部勻稱嬌嫩,眼睛的形狀和顏色就跟我們在可愛的圖畫上看到的無異,又大又黑又圓,眼睫毛又長又濃,以一種柔和的魅力圍著一對美麗的眼睛。

This embodiment of a d urberville and a namesake differed even more from what tess had expected than the house and grounds had differed . she had dreamed of an aged and dignified face , the sublimation of all the d urberville lineaments , furrowed with incarnate memories representing in hieroglyphic the centuries of her family s and england s history 在她的幻想里,它應該是一張老人的莊重嚴肅的臉,是對所有的德貝維爾的面部特征的升華,臉上的皺紋是記憶的體現,像象形文字一樣代表著她的家族和英國好幾百年的歷史。

Pedigree , ancestral skeletons , monumental record , the d urberville lineaments , did not help tess in her life s battle as yet , even to the extent of attracting to her a dancing - partner over the heads of the commonest peasantry . so much for norman blood unaided by victorian lucre 高貴的門第,祖先的枯骨,紀功的銘文,德北菲爾家族的容貌,在苔絲人生的搏斗中到目前為止還沒有為她幫上忙,就是在一群最普通的鄉村女孩子中間,也沒有幫她吸引到一個陪她跳舞的舞伴。

The dim forehead was crowned with a star ; the lineaments below were seen as through the suffusion of vapour ; the eyes shone dark and wild ; the hair streamed shadowy , like a beamless cloud torn by storm or by electric travail 模糊的額頭上點綴著一顆星星,下面的臉部仿佛透現在霧氣蒸騰之中。雙目烏黑狂野炯炯有神。頭發如陰影一般飄灑,仿佛是被風爆和閃電撕下的暗淡無光的云塊。

I remember it now , and i know that it was the effluence of fine intellect , of true courage ; it lit up her marked lineaments , her thin face , her sunken grey eye , like a reflection from the aspect of an angel 我至今還記得,而且知道,這是睿智和真正的勇氣的流露,它像天使臉上的反光一樣,照亮了她富有特征的面容瘦削的臉龐和深陷的灰眼睛。然而就在那一刻,海倫

Volcanic rocks are characterized by wide distribution , complex lithology and lithofacies , and various eruptive forms . they are t ypically layer - or lens - like in shape and strike parallel to the principal structural lineaments in the region 研究區火山巖分布層位廣,巖性、巖相復雜,噴發形式多樣,呈層狀、似層狀展布,延伸方向與區域構造線走向一致。

As i looked at his lofty forehead , still and pale as a white stone - at his fine lineaments fixed in study - i comprehended all at once that he would hardly make a good husband : that it would be a trying thing to be his wife 當我瞧著他白石一般蒼白平靜的高聳額頭瞧著他陷入沉思的漂亮面容時,我立刻明白他很難成為一個好丈夫,做他的妻子是件夠折磨人的事。

Given the fact that mesozoic magmatism was closely related to the lithospheric thinning , it is proposed that the diachronous lithospheric thinning is the main mechanism by which the taihangshan gravity lineament was formed 由于巖漿作用與巖石圈減薄作用密切相關,因此認為華北巖石圈減薄的時空不均一性是形成太行山重力梯度帶的重要機制。

John reed was a schoolboy of fourteen years old ; four years older than i , for i was but ten : large and stout for his age , with a dingy and unwholesome skin ; thick lineaments in a spacious visage , heavy limbs and large extremities 約翰.里德是個十四歲的小學生,比我大四歲,因為我才十歲。論年,他長得又大又胖,但膚色灰暗,一付病態。

As all visitors to the mansion are aware , these paintings represent women of middle age , of a date some two hundred years ago , whose lineaments once seen can never be forgotten 凡是到過這座莊園的人都知道,這兩幅畫著兩個中年女人的畫像,大概是兩百年前的遺物了,畫中人物的面貌只要看過一眼,就永遠不會忘記。

Paleogeographic data suggest the first occurrence of the taihangshan gravity lineament was initially formed during the early cretaceous , which is coeval with the peak of mesozoic magmatism in this region 巖相古地理分析說明太行山重力梯度帶的雛形形成于早白堊世,與華北中生代巖漿活動的高峰相吻合。

In character recognition , the character lineament sequence was generated according to contour list and the character similarity was measured by its correlation value 在字符識別中根據輪廓表生成字符的輪廓特征數據序列,運用其相關值來度量字符的相似程度。

And now fuxin city is developing ecological agriculture so the paper try to plan regional location by lineament and optimize distribution of area resources 以色列、美國、德國生態農業各有獨特的特征,從經濟、政策、管理等多方面對我們都有借鑒意義。

In the second part , the author describes the lineament of the case , and shows the achievement in practice from some certain aspects 按照實證分析的常規,本文在序言之外,將此文分成三個部分,全文共37 , 500字。

I had nowhere seen such faces as theirs : and yet , as i gazed on them , i seemed intimate with every lineament 我沒有在別處看到過這樣的面容,然而我盯著她們看時,卻似乎覺得熟悉每一個面部特征。

Blind as he was , smiles played over his face , joy dawned on his forehead : his lineaments softened and warmed 盡管他瞎了,他臉上還是浮起了笑容,額頭映出了歡快,面部表情溫柔而激動。