
lineal adj.1.直系的,正統的。2.嫡系的,世襲的;祖先傳來...


Due to the operating - temperature difference between the new material and traditional nb3sn and nb - ti , its characteristic cannot be easily expressed by a lineal function . for this new magnet , all the coefficients in the pde are complicatedly varied to ensure its accuracy . a protection circuit is designed according to its quench characteristic 由于新型材料的運行溫區和傳統的低溫超導材料有很大差異,所以在計算過程中的材料特性不再能夠用簡單的線性表達式來計算,為了提高計算的精度,三維熱傳導方程的求解過程中各個系數都是非線性的。

Parson tringham had spoken truly when he said that our shambling john durbeyfield was the only really lineal representative of the old d urberville family existing in the county , or near it ; he might have added , what he knew very well , that the stoke - d urbervilles were no more d urbervilles of the true tree than he was himself . yet it must be admitted that this family formed a very good stock whereon to regraft a name which sadly wanted such renovation 特林漢姆牧師說,我們那位步履蹣跚的約翰德北菲爾德是英國古老的德貝維爾家族唯一僅存的嫡系子孫,他說的倒是真的,或者說接近真的他還應該加上一句,他知道得清清楚楚,叫斯托克德貝維爾的這戶人家就像他自己一樣,本來就不是德貝維爾家族的真正后裔。

Declaration provided by the notary office in the country of residence or the authoritative agency authenticated by the chinese embassy or consulate for the applicant who has no spouse and another applicant who is not lineal relatives by blood , or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship ; or certification provided by the chinese embassy ( consulate ) for the applicant who has no spouse and another applicant who is not lineal relatives by blood , or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship 居住國公證機構或者有權機關出具的、經中華人民共和國駐該國使(領)館認證的本人無配偶以及與對方當事人沒有直系血親和三代以內旁系血親關系的聲明,或者中華人民共和國駐該國使(領)館出具的本人無配偶以及與對方當事人沒有直系血親和三代以內旁系血親關系的證明。

Based on the review of the evolutions of stock indices and the innovations of index products , this article discussed the different methods of index replication , and then sum med up those researches on different methods , arithmetic models and their implications , including quadric programming , lineal programming , robust regression , monte carlo simulation and genetic algorithm , etc . aiming to give a technical reference for index derivatives design , index arbitrage , and indexing investment 摘要在回顧證券價格指數演變及指數衍生品創新的基礎上,探討了指數復制的不同方法,進而從文獻綜述的角度對證券價格指數復制中涉及到的方法與算法模型進行整理,總結了二次規劃、線性規劃、魯棒回歸、蒙特卡洛模擬以及遺傳算法等不同方法與模型的具體應用,為指數衍生品產品設計、指數套利以及實施指數化投資策略提供技術參考。

Don t you really know , durbeyfield , that you are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d urbervilles , who derived their descent from sir pagan d urberville , that renowned knight who came from normandy with william the conqueror , as appears by battle abbey roll 德北菲爾德,你真的不知道你是德貝維爾這個古老騎士世家的嫡傳子孫嗎?德貝維爾家是從著名的騎士帕根德貝維爾爵士傳下來的,據紀功寺文檔記載,他是跟隨征服者威廉王從諾曼底來的。 ”

On grounds of theory and construction foundation of spatial data framework , watershed spatial frame basic data was confirmed . watershed spatial basic framework was erected , doq being taken as foundation data , utilizing screen digitalization technique to distill main vector lineal element . taking engineering as unit , united spatial base being supplied , vector - grid basic spatial data was managed wholly 根據空間數據基礎框架的理論及建立的依據,確定流域空間框架基礎數據,以doq為本底數據利用屏幕數字化技術交互式提取主要矢量線型要素,建立流域空間數據基礎框架;以工程為單位,在統一空間基底的前提下,對矢量柵格基礎空間數據進行一體化管理。

Barren attribute as it was , disastrous as its discovery had been in many ways to her , perhaps mr clare , as a gentleman and a student of history , would respect her sufficiently to forget her childish conduct with the lords and ladies if he knew that those purbeck - marble and alabaster people in kingsbere church really represented her own lineal forefathers ; that she was no spurious d urberville , compounded of money and ambition like those at trantridge , but true d urberville to the bone 它們之間缺乏相同的表征,它的發現在許多方面已經給她帶來了災難,也許,克萊爾作為一個紳士和學習歷史的人,如果他知道在金斯伯爾教堂里那些珀貝克大理石和雪花石雕像是真正代表她的嫡親祖先的,知道她是地地道道的德貝維爾家族的人,知道她不是那個由金錢和野心構成的假德貝維爾,他就會充分尊重她,從而忘了她剝“老爺和夫人”花蕾的幼稚行為。

According to the modified direct lineal transformation ( dlt ) algorithm , this paper presents a three - dimensional camera meaurement analysis system based on general cameras . moreover , according to the rigid body model of the human upper - limb , a method of calculating the joint parameters of the human upper - limb is presented , which will provide the help for the further research 本論文以直接線性變換( dlt )改進算法為理論基礎構建了基于普通攝像機的三維攝像測量分析系統,并根據人體上肢的剛體運動模型提出了一種計算上肢關節運動參數的算法,有利于以后進行更深入的研究。

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the super - convergence and stability of continuous finite element methods which is a type of numerical me - thods solving the 1 - degree lineal initial value problem of ordinary differential equation , and compare the stability of the three 4 - order pre - cision numerical methods of the 1 - degree initial value problem of ordinary differential equation - classical runge - kutta method ( single step method ) , adams hidden method ( multiple step method ) , and continuous finite element method 本文針對一階線性常微分方程初值問題的連續有限元法的超收斂性和穩定性作了分析,并對一階線性常微分方程初值問題的具有4階精度的三類數值方法? ?經典runge - kutta法(單步法) , adams隱式格式(多步法) ,連續有限元法的穩定性作了比較。

First of all , based on the psychology definition , this thesis puts forward two basic modes of conception learning : conception form and conception assimilation . for instance , take how the conception of “ rectangle “ comes into being to explain how a conception is formed ; take the conception of “ lineal function “ to explain the assimilation of conception . at last , take the study of “ variant beeline “ to make further explanation that the combination of conception form and conception assimilation always makes a conception 首先,本文以概念的心理學定義為基礎,提出概念形成與概念同化是概念學習的兩種基本方式,并以“矩形”概念的形成為例,闡述了概念形成的過程;以“線性函數”的概念為例,闡述了概念同化的過程;最后以學生學習“異面直線”的概念為例,進一步闡述:概念的建立,往往是概念形成與概念同化的有機結合。

The paper analyzes the non - lineal relations of the quantity of heat exchange and water flux of coil exchanger in part - load operating condition , the shortage of deciding the water flux in bypass pipe , the disadvantage that the operating condition of pumps and chiller ca n ' t be met with the load change of the air conditioning system in different operating condition of using pressure - difference bypassing control in primary water pump system . using load control method in the change of the operating condition of primary water pump system can realize that the load change is small and reasonable in the on / off condition of pumps and m m chiller by comparing load control method in primary variable - flow water pump system with pressure - difference bypassing control method , back water temperature control method 本論文從目前空調工程中使用的變流量水系統入手,研究了盤管換熱器在部分負荷下水流量與換熱量的非線性關系,分析了文獻中介紹的旁通管通流能力選擇的不足之處和一次泵水系統采用壓差旁通控制時,工況轉換不能滿足系統控制要求的缺陷;比較了一次泵變流量水系統中壓差旁通控制法、回水溫度控制法、負荷控制法的精確性,并得出了在一次泵水系統的工況轉換時,采用負荷控制法能使冷水機組及其相應水泵在啟停時的負荷變化范圍較小,更符合建筑物的冷量需求,節能效果較好的結論。

I am the lineal descendant of that infant - i am the rightful duke of bridgewater ; and here am i , forlorn , torn from my high estate , hunted of men , despised by the cold world , ragged , worn , heart - broken , and degraded to the companionship of felons on a raft ! 我就是那個嬰兒的直系后代我才是名正言順的勃里奇華特公爵。如今我就在這里,形單影只,被剝奪了高位的尊榮,遭到人家的追捕,冷酷的世界白眼相加,衣衫襤褸,心靈破碎,落難到與木筏子上的罪人為伍! ”

Article 7 when workers retire or resign , their travelling expenses , hotel accommodation on the way to their new residence , transportation of their personal effects and food subsidies as well as those of their lineal dependents are paid according to regulations in force 第七條工人退休、退職的時候,本人及其供養的直系親屬前往居住地點途中所需的車船費、旅館費、行李搬運費和伙食補助費,都按照現行的規定辦理。

As all the living forms of life are the lineal descendants of those which lived long before the cambrian epoch , we may feel certain that the ordinary succession by generation has never once been broken , and that no cataclysm has desolated the whole world 由于現存的各式生物都是遠在志留紀前就已存在的生物的直系后代,我們可以肯定代代相接的通常延續過程從未中斷過,也從未有過大災變使整個世界遭受破壞。

Point to namely suffer hire personnel and unit of choose and employ persons to have spouse concern , lineal and consanguineous relation , 3 acting less than about personnel of collateral line and consanguineous relation or close marriage relation , should carry out evasive 就是指受聘人員與用人單位有關人員有夫妻關系、直系血親關系、三代以內旁系血親關系或近姻關系的,應該執行回避。

Based on the discrete digital model , this paper briefly recount some basic terms and principles in low rate speech processing , focus on the research in the lineal predictive coding and narrate some key technologies in detail 本文從語音信號產生的離散數學模型出發,簡要敘述了低速率語音編碼的基本原理。然后文章對線性預測編碼聲碼器的一些關鍵技術進行了詳細的論述。

With the development of distant education based on internet , the methods of knowledge ' s propagation are stereoscopic , non - lineal , and multi - experiential . distant education will definitely become a main method of learning in the human society 由于基于web的遠程網絡教學模式,其知識的傳播是立體的、非線性的、多種經驗的,必將成為人們的一個主要學習途徑。

Even if people respect you , and think of you as a very lineal , respectable and noble person , while these things cannot nourish your existence or make you have more insight to your life and other extraordinary beauty 即使人們尊敬你,人們認為你是一個非常正統的、受人尊重的、高尚的人,而這些根本無法滋養你的存在,無法使你對生命及其它的非凡的美沒有更多的洞察。

Even if people respect you , and think of you as a very lineal , respectable and noble man , while these things cannot nourish your being or make you more insightful to your life and other extraordinary beauty 即使人們尊敬你,人們認為你是一個非常正統的、受人尊重的、高尚的人,而這些根本無法滋養你的存在,無法使你對生命及其它的非凡的美沒有更多的洞察。