
lineage n.血統,世系,門第。


A survey of song family ' s lineage in the songjiang prefecture and their achievements in literary creation 松江府宋氏家族世系及文學成就概述

Germ line the lineage of cells from which gametes arise , continuous through generations 生殖系:是產生配子的細胞系,可以持續產生配子。

Compiling lineage genealogy and salt gazetteer : the cultural invention of the huaitang chengs in early qing 清初歙縣槐塘程氏的文化建構

Its villages boasted strong lineage organizations that helped to bond communities together 當地綿密的宗族組織,更使農村社群團結一致。

As suggested by disciple zhi xuan , we are going to create a logo for our lineage 應弟子智宣的提議,我們將為我們的傳承建構一個標志。

Cell lineage the theory stating that cells arise only from pre - existing cells 細胞譜系:該理論起始于細胞僅僅產生于已經存在的細胞。

Lineages and rural power - sharing system - a study based on the cases in south jiangxi and east guangdong 贛南和粵東兩個村鎮個案的研究

Detection of rearrangements of mixed lineage leukemia gene and its clinical significance 混合系白血病基因重排的檢測方法及其臨床意義

“ it is unlikely that it could have evolved independently in multiple hominin lineages . 研究人員還將對這一問題進行更為深入的研究。

Calm , mild , adults that also come from a calm lineage are bound to produce the same 冷靜、溫和,成年狗的冷靜必定也來自于其血脈。

In fact , it can trace its lineage to lisp and to some of the people behind aop 事實上,它的身世可追溯到lisp和aop背后的一些人。

The gvg system is the sampling lineage system to extracting crop acreage information Gvg系統是一種快速準確的野外采樣系統。

Only in lineages zen 只限于佛教禪宗

Germ cell any cell in a cell lineage that eventually produces gametes 生殖細胞:是生物體所有細胞中最終能產生配子的細胞。

Of noble lineage 門第高貴的高貴血統的

The capture data lineage sample is a package that captures audit information 捕獲數據沿襲示例是用來捕獲審核信息的包。

Raymond shaw bears the lineage of the fabled prentiss family dynasty 雷蒙德?肖承繼了傳奇性的普蘭蒂斯家族王朝的血統

Flemiro - society religion and spirituality buddhism lineages zen Flemiro - chinese traditional社會宗教與心靈佛教禪宗

One way to find the family lineage is with the use of the genealogical method 單程找到家庭后裔是以用途對系統方法。