uploads/line of battle.jpg

line of battle (軍隊或軍艦的)戰列,戰斗隊形。

line of beauty

There has never been a king who did anything worse than david . when he saw the beautiful bathsheba , he wanted her for himself so he had her husband assigned to the front line of battle , where the odds of him being killed were substantial and , in fact , it happened . and so bathsheba was widowed and david took her to be his wife 非常明顯,當他看見美麗的拔示巴,從沒有一位王所做的比大衛更差勁,他想得到她,于是把她丈夫差往前線,使他在進攻的過程中遇害,事情就這樣發生了于是她成了寡婦,他就把她娶過來,他被這誘惑淹沒了。