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line drive 【棒球】平直球,直球。

line engine

The dissertation deduces that the technological learning mostly occurred in the industrial chain and exhibited as vertical and horizontal learning , the macro learning exhibits as “ dot - line driving “ in the industrial chain which develops the technological capability of cluster 文章得出,集群的技術學習主要體現在產業鏈上縱向和橫向學習上,集群的整體學習則為產業鏈上“點線帶動”的提升模式。

A spectrum of tools exists , ranging from the command line driven wsdl2java from apache axis or websphere application server to the web service wizard in the websphere studio family 工具的范圍從apache axis或websphere application server中的命令行驅動的wsdl2java到websphere studio系列中的web服務向導。

“ i thought of myself saying that when i was running out to the mound , “ torre said . “ ' you never know when a line drive is going to get one of your pitchers , ' and there it was 托瑞說:當我跑上投手丘的時候我告訴我自己,你沒有辦法知道強襲球會對你的投手造成什麼傷害,而且那真的發生了。

The on - line driving vehicle license renewal service enables you to complete the application comfortably on your sofa . knowing the real time traffic condition helps a lot in your time management 您可以在網上換領駕駛執照和車輛牌照,因此即使安坐家中,亦可以輕松辦妥手續。

Telemecanique twin line drives , used in combination with ser brushless motors , are suitable for many industrial motion control applications of up to 8 kw Te電器的twinline驅動器與ser系列無刷電機配合使用,適合于8kw以下眾多的工業運動控制應用場合。

Abreu greeted relief pitcher brian stokes with a line drive off the glove of wigginton that made the score 5 - 3 阿伯接著對后援投手布萊恩擊出穿越泰威金頓手套的安打,將比數追成5比3 。

Painted as bottom - line driven by society , this image of lawyers has become a self - fulfilling prophecy 就象為社會驅使的底線所描繪的那樣,這副律師的景象已經變成一個自我實現的預言。

Finishes , before the first system load , you have only a very basic command line driven system 程式執行結束系統首次載入之前,您只有一個非常簡單的命令列系統。

Mike coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head 邁克在昨天的一場比賽中被一記平直界外球擊中頭部后,不治身亡。

On saturday , jeff karstens went down with a fractured right leg after being hit by a line drive 在星期六,小卡在投手球上被強襲球擊中膝蓋而下場。

Mike coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head 昨天晚上,麥克.庫伯格爾被一個界外球擊中頭部而死亡。

Mike coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head 昨晚邁克古巴被一次直線打擊的壞球擊中頭部身亡。

Mike coolbaugh was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head 他昨晚被一個角線罰球擊(界外球)中頭部后死亡。

Mike coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head 麥克.庫伯格爾于昨晚被一個界外球擊中頭部死亡。

Wang did it despite being hit by a line drive on his left leg in the sixth 盡管王建民在第六局曾被打者擊出來的強襲球打中大腿。

Task , you will only have a relatively basic , command line driven system ”任務,就只有一個相對基本的命令行驅動的系統。

The pitch . a swing and a line drive into right field . a base hit 揮臂一擊然后再奔壘成功,一個安打

A line drive to deep left center 一直線飛向很深的中間偏左區

It ' s a vicious line drive off earll ' s 這個刻薄的直線球打在了比利.愛諾的