
line n.1.線;繩索;釣絲;測深度用繩,卷尺。 a fish...

line backer

The dma will first fill the line buffer . DMA首先裝滿行緩沖器。

The enemy was put to rout all along the line . 敵人已全線崩潰。

Several lines in the new play were blue-penciled . 新劇本有幾行被刪改了。

My plan is in line with your suggestions . 我的計劃是按照你的指示制定的。

He will have to fall into line with the others . 他早晚得和別人一致起來。

Georges knew he was near the end of the line . 喬戈斯知道他快山窮水盡了。

Will you cue me on my lines ? 你愿不愿意在我的臺詞方面給我提示?

Why does the line of stability bend and end ? 為什么穩定性線彎曲和終止?

The lines ab and cd intersect at e . 直線AB與直線CD相交于E點上。

Each of those lines has its own story . 每條這樣的線都含有它自己的信息。

Three characters are missing in this line . 這一行里脫了三個字。

It was easier to see the slant of the fish line . 釣絲的斜度也比較明顯。

Society is not divided along religious lines . 社會并不按宗教系統劃分。

Don't go in a straight line anywhere . 不要大模大樣走到任何地方。

No hard and fast line can be drawn between the two . 二者不能截然分開。

The second line was far more ambitious . 第二條防線是更加偉大的。

A family of parallel lines cut the conic . 有一組平行線與圓錐曲線相交。

This is in the line of military duty . 這屬于執行軍事任務的范疇。

Parallel lines indicates a break in continuity . 平行線表示連續的中斷。