
lindsay n.林賽〔姓氏〕。


I mean , lindsay ' s gone now and . . 我的意思是,現在lindsay走了而且. .

I ' m really disturbed by lindsay ' s departure Lindsay的離開真的讓我煩惱

If you mean about my adopting lindsay , 如果你是想問關于收養lindsay的事

( lindsay ' s voice ) and you ' re probably freaked about it 你可能會很生氣

He was upset about lindsay , and i was upset about , uh 他為lindsay而擔心而我則擔心,呃

And thinking you and lindsay should be friends 我想讓你和lindsay做朋友是個很糟糕的主意

Did you know that lindsay plays the oboe 你知道lindsay會演奏雙簧管么?

This thing with lindsay is . . . different 這次和lindsay的事有些. . .不一樣

Come 2nd on the poll is lindsay lohan 名列排行榜第二位的是林德賽?洛翰。

You and lindsay seem to be making strides 你和lindsay看起來有很大進展啊

Lindsay was in new york trying to be a dancer 琳賽在紐約想成為一個舞蹈家

I think lindsay ' s had enough surprises 我認為lindsay已經有足夠多的驚喜了

I need you to help me talk lindsay out of the adoption 我想讓你勸lindsay不要接受收養

Lindsay , maybe you and i need to take some time Lindsay ,也許你跟我應該花點時間談談

Looking for resemblances to lindsay - - look at that 找找和lindsay相似的地方看看這個

Look , lindsay may have turned her back on ryan , 聽著, lindsay也許會不理ryan

Looking for resemblances to lindsay - look at that 找找和lindsay相似的地方看看這個

- lindsay ' s going to love it . - i ' m so late -琳賽肯定會很喜歡的-我遲到很多了

Lindsay ' s going to love it . - i ' m so late 琳賽肯定會很喜歡的-我遲到很多了