
lindbergh n.林德伯格〔姓氏〕。


The tradition grew out of an editorial embarrassment in 1927 when time failed to put pilot charles lindbergh on its cover after his historic solo trans - atlantic flight . at the end of that year , the editors decided to make him man of the year to remedy the oversight 當時時代周刊因為一時疏忽沒有把飛行員查爾斯林德博格那次具有歷史意義的獨自橫跨大西洋飛行作為封面故事,于是在那一年年底,雜志編輯決定評選林德博格為年度風云人物來補償過失。

On tv , hopkins played roles as varied yet somehow intertwined as adolph hitler , accused lindbergh - baby kidnapper bruno richard hauptmann , and the hunchback of notre dame . in 1991 , hopkins won an academy award for his bloodcurdling portrayal of murderer hannibal “ the cannibal “ lecter in the silence of the lambs 92年,霍普金斯還在影片驚情四百年barm stoker s dracula 1992中出色地飾演了一位研究吸血鬼的專家。

Whether you have seen her in an ad , on the runway , or photographed by some of the world s greatest photographers - such as steven meisel , peter lindbergh or ellen von unwerth - adriana s beauty speaks volumes 巴黎米蘭紐約跟她的家鄉迥然不同,但adriana帶著她那鉆石一樣晶瑩透亮的眼睛信心百倍,毫不畏懼的走自己的道路。

Exactly five years before , charles lindbergh had become a hero to the whole world for his 8 ) daring solo flight across the atlantic , in his case from new york to paris 在那之前5年整,查爾斯林白因為勇敢地單人飛越大西洋而成為全世界的英雄,他的飛行是從紐約到巴黎。

The tradition grew out of an editorial embarrassment in 1927 when time failed to put pilot charles lindbergh on its cover after his historic solo trans - atlantic flight 《時代》周刊年度人物評選的傳統開始于1927年該雜志編輯上遇到的一次尷尬。

On may 21st , 1927 , charles a . lindbergh landed his “ spirit of st . louis “ near paris , completing the first solo airplane flight across the atlantic ocean 1927年5月21日,查爾斯-林白己安全著陸,完成了第一次獨自一人從紐約到巴黎的直達飛行。

The dubious conviction of bruno hauptmann for the kidnapping of the lindbergh baby is re - enacted each year at the flemington courthouse 公立教育的差距最差勁的網站最差勁的公民

In 1927 , aviation hero charles lindbergh was honored with a ticker - tape parade in new york city 1927年,美國飛行家查爾斯林白贏得榮耀,在紐約城舉行拋投彩帶以表示熱烈歡迎的* 。

Oddly enough , earhart songly 15 ) resembled lindbergh , whom the 16 ) press had 17 ) nicknamed lucky lindy 很奇怪,艾哈特和林白極為相像,林白被新聞媒體取了個綽號幸運阿林。

Lindbergh and the spirit of st . louis were surrounded by a huge crowd of shouting , crying , joyful people 林德伯格和“圣路易斯之神”就被歡呼和吶喊的巨大人群給包圍了。

From new york to paris , he cuts lindbergh ' s time in half . then on to moscow 從紐約到巴黎,他把林白的時間縮短了一半然后飛向莫斯科

Talk to lindbergh about your flight yet ? - where ' s linda darnell tonight -跟林白談過你這次飛行了嗎? -琳達達內爾今晚在哪兒?

Taik to lindbergh about your fiight yet ? - where ' s linda darneii tonight -跟林白談過你這次飛行了嗎? -琳達達內爾今晚在哪兒?

- taik to lindbergh about your fiight yet ? - where ' s linda darneii tonight -跟林白談過你這次飛行了嗎? -琳達達內爾今晚在哪兒?

- talk to lindbergh about your flight yet ? - where ' s linda darnell tonight -跟林白談過你這次飛行了嗎? -琳達達內爾今晚在哪兒?

And stopped behind the net by lindbergh 球在門后被lindbergh截停

He shoots . kicked away by lindbergh 他射門了lindbergh把球擋住了

His backhander is stopped by lindbergh 他的反手一擊被lindbergh擋住了

Lindbergh taught his new wife to fly 林德伯格教他的新婚妻子學習飛行。