
lindane n.【化學】六氯化苯,林丹。


3 . it is exert through cultivated in a pot experiment cultivation for two month lindane and ddt original pesticide experiment after two month to get soil examine appearing value very low to find to observe . soil sampled form j and n farm which have used lindane and ddt for 40 years , the analysis result showed that the residue of the two pesticides are very high . lindane remains and reaches as high as 996 . 06 g kg - 1 , and ddt is 3382 . 75 g kg - 1 4 經過盆栽實驗兩個月的培養觀察發現施加到土壤中的林丹與ddt原藥在兩個月的實驗后檢出值較低具有使用林丹、 ddt四十年歷史的北京近郊j 、 n農場中兩種農藥殘留較高,林丹殘留最高可達: 996 . 06 g ? kg ~ ( - 1 ) , ddt殘留最高可達: 3382 . 75 g ? kg ~ ( - 1 ) 。

Lindane ddt deltamethrin and carbofuran to exert a certain influence to soil nematode density , nematode community structure in being cultivated in a pot and experimental , but not a decisive factor 林丹、 ddt 、溴氰菊酯和呋喃丹對模擬實驗中的土壤線蟲密度、線蟲群落結構產生一定影響,但不是決定因素。

Lindane and ddt are typical persistent organic pollutants that have been used as pesticides in china for long period and that have caused extensive pollution 林丹和dd7是曾經在我國使用歷史較長、造成污染較為普遍的持久性有機污染物。

In the research lindane and ddt have been selected as the representatives of persistent organic pollutants 研究了林丹和dd7在土壤中的降解殘留狀況。

Dynamic of degradation of lindane and its residual in soil 林丹在土壤中的殘留動態研究