
linda n.琳達〔女子名〕。


Linda ' s greatest wish is to become a teacher 琳達的最大愿望是當一名教師。

Linda : emma , can i see you some time this week 琳達:愛瑪,這周你有空嗎?

When linda sees what the dating world is really like 當琳達發現約會別人毫無意義之后

I ' d like to introduce my friend linda to you 我想把我的朋友林達介紹給你。

Linda : me ? you ' re joking . you know my workload 我?你在開玩笑吧。你清楚我的工作量。

Linda , think about what you ' re doing to us 琳達,想想你對我們都做了些什么

Linda : no . our viewers don ' t like rock music 琳達:不好。我們的觀眾不喜歡搖滾音樂。

- i don ' t think that ' s an option , lisa . - linda -我覺得那不是個好主意,莉薩-我叫琳達

Linda : i can ' t believe it . when do you go 琳達:真不能相信。你什么時候走?

Linda ' s been thinking about leaving you for some time 其實琳達一直都在考慮和你分手

Linda was occupied with the work of redecorating her house 琳達忙于重新裝修她的房子

Linda : hey , ash ! i guessed the card right 林達:嗨,阿西!我想卡片是對的!

I don ' t think that ' s an option , lisa . - linda 我覺得那不是個好主意,莉薩-我叫琳達

These are not blackmail pictures , linda , they ' re - - 這不是敲詐用的照片,琳達,只是- -

Aunt linda , no , i didn ' t do anything . please 琳達姑媽,沒有,我沒有做任何事求你了

Linda ' s unconfined hair fell to her shoulders 琳達那未束的頭發,散落在她的肩膀上。

Linda : major ones . we ' re seriously in the red 琳達:很大的問題。我們的赤字很嚴重。

Dr . moorhead , are you saying that linda is dying 莫海德大夫,你是說琳達快死了嗎?

Linda tontini sits at the terminal next to mine 琳達?通蒂尼坐在我左邊的終端面前。