
lincoln n.1.林肯〔姓氏,男子名〕。2.Abraham Lin...

lincoln green

Abraham lincoln presidential library and museum 亞伯拉罕林肯總統圖書博物館

We are the catholic priests of lincoln julie 我們是來自美國的天主教牧師。

Come on , we can go and sit on lincoln ' s knee , 快點,我們能坐在林肯的膝蓋上

Mr . lincoln has made a proposal to span the country 林肯先生提議將整個國家

Phone still dead ? - yeah . where ' s your lincoln -電話還是不行? -是.你的林肯車在哪里

Those who follow lincoln or preach abolition 那些追隨林肯或者鼓吹廢奴的人

- my name is tom lincoln . - sit back and shut up -我的名字是湯姆?林肯-坐回去!閉嘴!

Causing a one - hour delay at the lincoln tunnel 造成了林肯隧道一小時的堵塞

Hello , mr . lincoln . where would you like to go 你好,林肯先生你想去哪里?

Lincoln , get up ! get up , lincoln ! get up 林肯,快起來起來,林肯,快起來!

What was one important thing that abraham lincoln did 舉出一件亞伯拉罕.林肯的事跡

I have read a biography of abraham lincoln 我讀過一部亞伯拉罕?林肯的傳記。

Those who follow lincoln or preach abolition . . 那些追隨林肯或者鼓吹廢奴的人

Those who follow lincoln or preach abolition , , , 那些追隨林肯或者鼓吹廢奴的人

Name one of the things that abraham lincoln did 問:舉出一件亞伯拉罕?林肯的事跡。

Abraham lincoln was born on february 12 , 1809 亞伯拉罕?林肯在1809年2月12日出生。

I ' m in a truck . all right ? a lincoln navigator 我開汽車的,明白?林肯導航者

( butcher ) never figured you for a lincoln lover , jt , 沒想到你還是林肯的擁護者, jt

Lincoln was a newcomer , almost a stranger 林肯是新來的人,幾乎還是個陌生人。