
limy adj.(limier; -iest)1.含石灰的,石灰...


Based on the same principle of floating stability calculation of rectangle caisson , the moment of inertia of gravity axis of the fan shape is transformed through coordinate transformation formula , and the general formula and calculation method of floating stability for c limier caisson with partition ails are obtained 摘要引用矩形沉箱浮游穩定計算的相同原理,把扇形重心軸的慣性矩通過轉軸公式的轉換,再經數學證明,得到帶箱格圓形沉箱浮游穩定計算的通用公式和計算方法。

In this paper , the author chooses five heavy - traffic asphalts and two typical aggregates ( limy stone and granite ) to study the relationship between the viscosity and the adhesion , or between the component and the adhesion of the asphalts 本論文選用五種重交道路石油瀝青和兩種典型石料(石灰巖和花崗巖)來研究瀝青粘度和組分與瀝青粘附性的關系。

Such crops won ' t grow in limy soil 這類作物不能在石灰質的土壤中生長。