
limpid adj.1.清澈的,透明的。2.明朗的,清晰的。3.平靜...


From the 26th of august to the 2nd of september , from the day of borodino to the entrance into moscow , all that agitating , that memorable week , there had been that extraordinarily beautiful autumn weather , which always comes as a surprise , when though the sun is low in the sky it shines more warmly than in spring , when everything is glistening in the pure , limpid air , so that the eyes are dazzled , while the chest is braced and refreshed inhaling the fragrant autumn air ; when the nights even are warm , and when in these dark , warm nights golden stars are continually falling from the sky , to the delight or terror of all who watch them 自八月二十六日起,至九月二日當天止,從波羅底諾戰役到敵人進占莫斯科,這整個驚惶的可堪記憶的一周的全部日子,都是不尋常的令人吃驚的大好秋光,低垂的太陽照耀得比春天更溫暖,在爽朗明凈的空氣中,萬物閃閃發光,令人目眩,呼吸這沁人的空氣,令你心胸振奮而舒適,就連夜晚也是溫暖的,在這一周的漆黑而溫暖的夜里,不時從天上撒落金色的星星,真令人又驚又喜。

Located in a deep valley area , 210km southeast of guaiyang , the capital city of guizhou province , the village is surrounded by lime - stone hills and limpid floating river , which provides the best condition of water resources for paper making 目前石橋村每天能出產白皮紙240扎,而市場每天需求量為800扎以上,按每扎18元計,石橋每天應收入為14400元,而實際上每天只收入4320元,由于資金問題,大部分生產戶只能持續生產7 - 9個月,而能堅持全年生產的僅有極少數幾戶。

With the pure and fresh air , da tong river that the sky is azure , limpid has flowed from the urban district slowly , though urban district of pyongyang population reach 2 million , pedestrian , large vehicle at the street , give somebody quiet , comfortable aesthetic feeling 空氣清新,天空湛藍,清澈的大同江水從市區緩緩流過,盡管平壤市區人口達200萬,但街上行人、車輛卻不多,給人以寧靜、舒適的美感。

The film showing adopt advanced technology figure motion picture projection equipment , the resident of a city is at home entrance the tableau is limpid with regard to being able to appreciate to arrive at , the theme film and major topic of discussion that the acoustic effect shakes are vast 影片放映采用技術先進的數字電影放映設備,市民在家門口就可以欣賞到畫面清晰、音效震撼的主旋律電影和熱門大片。

With the pure and fresh air , da tong river that the sky is azure , limpid has flowed from the urban district slowly , though urban district of pyongyang population reach 2 million , pedestrian , large vehicle at the street , give somebody quiet , comfortable aesthetic feeling 空氣清新,天空湛藍,清澈的大同江水從市區緩緩流過,盡管平壤市區人口達200萬,但街上行人車輛卻不多,給人以寧靜舒適的美感。

And the leafless trees , and the sand and the stones and roofs of the houses , the green spire of the church , and the angles of the white house in the distance , all stood out in the most delicate outlines with unnatural distinctness in the limpid air 光禿禿的樹林沙地石頭房頂教堂的綠色塔頂遠處那所白色房屋的墻角所有這一切物體的最精細的線條,異常清晰地,在透徹明亮的空氣中顯露出來了。

These immobile bronze inscriptions are incessantly caressed by a limpid sheet of running stream , with the movement of the water and the stillness of the pavement harmonizing and contrasting with each other to indicate the continuity and renewal of the nation s history 甬道上覆蓋著薄薄的涓涓清流,水面與地面一動一靜,兩相呼應,寓意中華民族的歷史綿延不斷、歷久常新。

These immobile bronze inscriptions are incessantly caressed by a limpid sheet of running stream , with the movement of the water and the stillness of the pavement harmonizing and contrasting with each other to indicate the continuity and renewal of the nation s history 甬道上覆蓋著薄薄的涓涓清流,水面與地面一動一靜,兩相呼應,寓意中華民族的歷史綿延不斷歷久常新。

The jiahe red wine is made from execellent cabernet sauvignon grapes with advanced technipue . the wine presents limpid and clear ruby colour , with elegant and rich fruit aroma and harmonious , mellow boupuet 家和干紅葡萄酒是選用國際釀酒名種葡萄赤霞珠為原料,采用精湛的釀造工藝、國內最先進的干紅釀造設備精釀而成,該產品呈寶石紅色、澄清透明,果香幽雅芬芳、酒體協調醇厚。

Tom stirred up the other pirates and they all clattered away with a shout , and in a minute or two were stripped and chasing after and tumbling over each other in the shallow limpid water of the white sandbar 湯姆弄醒了另外兩個強盜,他們大叫一聲,嘻嘻哈哈地跑開了兩分鐘以后,他們就脫得赤條條的,跳進白沙灘上那片清澈透底的水里互相追逐,滾抱嬉戲。

You are in : home antique fireplaces and fountains - antique materials established at l isle sur la sorgue in provence france , charming small city irrigated by the limpid waters of the famous river sorgue , 建立于1997年,水城,藝術與古董城市,法國,阿倫愛都瓦爾畢達勒作坊,竭誠歡迎您,服務時間:每周一到周六, 8點到12點, 14點到18點

Then she turns to me , and smiles , and tilts her head just a bit , and begins to speak , and she looks into my eyes as if trying to catch the image of a minow that has darted across the pool of a limpid spring 隨之,她朝我轉過臉,甜甜地一笑,微微地歪頭,輕輕地啟齒,定定地看著我的雙眼,仿佛在一泓清澈的泉水里尋覓稍縱即逝的小魚的行蹤

Hurriedly washing , and in all humility putting on her shabbiest dress and old mantle , natasha , shuddering at the chill air , went out into the deserted streets , in the limpid light of the early dawn 娜塔莎匆匆忙忙地洗過臉,帶著虔誠穿上自己最破的衣裳,披上斗篷,在清新空氣中抖抖索索,走到朝霞通明空曠無人的大街上。

And there is the mountain , with snow capped tops and limpid springs , with duteous sheep and gentle breeze , with memories of a lifetime , haunting in my dreams , each single night 于是又見遠山,山頂白雪皚皚,山澗清澈可鑒,帶著拂面的清風和溫順的羊群,帶著一段平靜而永恒的回憶,每一夜伴著漫天的星輝回到夢中來。 ”

She leaned toward him , entreaty in her eyes , and as he looked at her delicate face and into her pure , limpid eyes , as of old he was struck with his own unworthiness 她帶著請求的眼神向他便了過去。他望著她那嬌嫩的臉兒,看著她那清澈純潔的眼睛,又像過去一樣感到自己配不上她了。

First , present the basic principle of the securities company supervision , such as protection principle , enduring principle , cost - profit principle , limpid principle 本文的創新之處是:提出加強我國證券公司監管的基本原則:防范性原則、持續性原則、成本收益原則、透明度原則。

Lake jinlong , located in jinlong town , presents you a 20 , 000 sq . meters limpid water surrounded by grotesque peaks and trees 金龍湖位于廣西龍州縣金龍鎮,湖泊面積約2萬平方米,湖區水體潔凈,奇峰競秀,植被豐富,山光水色,令人陶醉。

I will confer the substantial blessing on you in the world , and converge into the limpid rivulets to inlay in the both sides of your path of life 想把世界上最多的祝福送給你,匯成一汪一汪清澈的小溪,把它嵌在你人生之路的兩旁。

Light white marble suffuses limpid shine just like pure white reef in the bank in the mediterranean reflects the color of the sunshine 淡白色的大理石,泛著清澈的光輝,一如地中海岸邊純白色礁石輝映著陽光的色彩。