
limp vi.1.一瘸一拐地走。2.慢騰騰地進行。3.(詩)韻律...


Few associate america with limping productivity 幾乎沒有人會聯想到美國疲軟的生產率。

- ok , limp wrist , stay away from my groin . - 好吧,放松手腕,離我下體遠一點

His hasty action has put her out on a limp 他倉促的舉動使她處于危險境地。

Is it me , or does he look like he ' s limping 是我多疑還是他走路一跛一跛?

The damaged ship limped back to port 那艘遭到損壞的船艱難緩慢地駛回港口。

Wellhung : i ' m limp . i can ' t sustain an erection 我是陽痿,我無法持續勃起。

They say you should never believe a limping dog 人們說:不能相信一個瘸腿的狗

Mr bloom watched her as she limped away 布盧姆先生守望著她一瘸一拐地離去。

And they beat that little one until he was limp 然后他們把那個小個子打瘸了

We can probably limp home if we keep the going slow 如果我們慢點兒,也許還能開回家

Well , i ' ve always found him to be a little limp 是吧,我也一直覺得他有點柔

The wounded soldier limped off the battlefield 那傷兵一瘸一瘸地離開了戰場。

The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather 花兒在乾熱的天氣里顯得萎靡無力。

Your body ' s limp ! you call that dancing 你的身體太呆板了!你把這叫做舞蹈阿?

65 your legs and feet feel heavy and limp 你的雙腿和腳掌感到非常地沉重和無力。

Or you ' re the limpest dick i ' ve ever met in my life 或者是我見過的最軟弱的家伙

She wanted to be on good terms with them but, while she strove to be polite, her eyes followed mr. holohan in his limping and devious courses . 她希望能與他們友好相處,所以盡力獻殷勤,同時,眼光卻追逐著霍羅漢一瘸一拐、一偏一倚的蹤影。

“thank you, ma'am,“ says jack politely, and steps inside, remembering to limp a little to show how worn and weary he was . “謝謝您,夫人,”杰克彬彬有禮的回答,說罷便進了屋,還故意裝著一跛一瘸,好讓人看看他是多么困頓疲勞。

She raised her hand to her wet head again, picked at a few limp filaments of blonde hair, trying to cover her exposed ear rims . 她舉起手來再一次摸了摸濕淋淋的腦袋,而且把幾綹濕軟的金發揪了揪,想把露出來的耳輪遮起來。