
limitless adj.無界限的,無限制的;無限期的;一望無際的。


True end is not in the reaching of the limit , but in a completion which is limitless 真正的結束并不是到達一個有限的目標,而是完成對無限者的追尋。

Around the sunny island of life swells day and night death ' s limitless song of the sea 死象大海的無限的歌聲,日夜沖擊著生命的光明島的四周。

The measure of the soul is the limitless activity of mind and the grandeur of imagination 衡量靈魂的標準是心靈的無限活動性和偉大的想象力。

Around the sunny island of life swells day and night death ' s limitless song of the sea 在生命的陽光之島的周圍,日夜充斥著死亡大海的歌聲。

So limitless is it that if tears could express it , you world cry without end 它是如此地無邊無際,如果可以用眼淚表達的話,你會哭個沒完。

A brief talk on the necessity for new criminal law to establish an additional limitless defensive right 談新刑法無限防衛權增設的必要性

This limitless love cannot be confined within a limited space ; it is omnipresent 這個無邊的愛力,不能關在一個空間里面,是無所不在。

True end is not in the reaching of the limit , but in a completion which is limitless 真正的終了不是抵達極限,而是抵達無限的完美。

This is a limitless opportunity to grow into two of asia ' s most coveted markets 在亞洲兩大最夢寐以求的市場成長將充滿無限的機會。

Research on the sufficient and necessary condition of hermitian operator in the limitless space 無限維空間中厄米算符的充要條件

We believe that only need to click , can you get limitless business opportunities 相信您的輕輕點擊將給您的事業帶來無限商機。

I will dedcate my limited life to the limitless cause of serving the people 我要把有限的生命,投入到無限的為人名服務之中去

What developed is a new music capable of a limitless range of expression 發展出來的是一種有無窮表現力的新音樂。

From thinking this , i moved to limitless hopes and boundless optimism 接著,我又產生了無限的希望和無比的信心。

These two poems help me to further comprehend limitless oneness 這兩首詩令我對無限的一體有更進一步的體認。

I know the treasure ' s limitless , 我知道寶藏是有很多

Auto - calibration after turning on , limitless application frequency life ?機后自動校正,無使用次數壽命限制

Internet applications have a limitless supply of potential users Internet應用程序具有無限的潛在用戶供應。

Section 4 . some problems of limitless defence in judicial practice 4 、無限防衛在司法適用中的若于問題。