
limitation n.1.限制。2.界限;極限;限度;局限性;限制因素。3...


The theorist who is unbridled by the limitations of experiment can produce a stream of fanciful ideas that have nothing to do with nature . 沒有實驗限制的約束,理論工作者可能提出一連串空想出來的與自然界沒有聯系的概念。

This limitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings . 這種限制保證了這種大規模的花費不是投入了少數擁有大量土地的人的不合理的分額之中。

The organisms living between 3 and 1 billion years ago were not as versatile as modern species, probably due to energy limitation . 生活在過去二十億年之間的有機體可能由于能量的限制,不如現代物種這樣五花八門。

The two delegations were never able to agree upon the limitation of light cruisers, and the conference broke up in complete disagreement . 兩國代表團從未能在限制輕巡洋艦的問題上意見一致,會議乃不歡而散。

Matalas and reiher in a paper from the hydrological literature provide a discussion of the methods and their limitation . 馬塔拉斯和賴赫在一篇論文中根據水文地質文獻對這些方法和他們的局限性進行了討論。

It may be necessary for us to accept these limitations in order that the integrity of operation “overlord“ shall not be marred . 為了使“霸王”作戰計劃的完整性不致受到損害,我們也許必須接受這些限制。

Subject to the limitations mentioned above, these remarkably simple equations describe the statistical nature of the laser field . 在上述限制條件下得到的這些相當簡單的方程,描述了激光場的統計特性。

One of the new champions of synthetic methods, jean-victor poncelet, did concede limitation of the older pure geometry . 綜合方法的新提倡者之一,Jean-VictorPoncelet是承認舊的純粹幾何學的局限性的。

The limitations of greek mathematical thought almost automatically imply the problems the greeks left to later generations . 希臘數學思想的局限性幾乎不言而喻地說明他們遺留給后代的那些問題。

A serious limitation for all these theoretical results is the lack of specific correlation with experimental results . 所有這些理論結果的嚴重局限性,就在于缺乏與實驗結果的特定相互關系。

All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty limitations and “gentleman's agreements“ . 我們所有的巡洋艦,都是為了要遵照這些條約限制和“君子協定”而取得的結果。

The first of these limitations was the obsession of the greek mind by the idea of the city as the ultimate state . 這些局限的第一項是希臘人在心理上把城邦作為國家的最終形式的成見。

Because of the severe limitations of this valve in respect of column switching, it was replaced by another kind of valve . 由于這種閥在柱子切換方面限制太死,所以采用了另一種閥。

They have exalted notions, because they have not yet been humbled by life or learnt its necessary limitations . 他們好高鶩遠,因為他們還沒有為生活而折腰,不知生活的必要限制。

There are severe limitations in measuring intelligence by a linear scale ranging from dull to bright . 用一種從愚昧排列到聰明的線性標尺來衡量智力有極大的局限性。

For the catalyst producer, catalyst manufacturing cost and material limitations are paramount . 對于催化劑制造廠來說,催化劑生產成本和原料規格限定是最重要的。

And he inquired when we might be ready to engage in talks on the limitation of strategic arms . 而且他詢問我們什么時候能準備好進行限制戰略武器的談判。

They maintain that rules about dress are an unacceptable limitation of personal freedom . 他們認定有關穿衣的規則是對個人自由的限制,是無法接受的。

Diffusional limitations and slow significant chemisorption processes may not be readily detected . 擴散控制和顯著緩慢的化學吸附過程是不易檢測的。