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limit cycle 極限循環〔指周而復始的活動方式,如心跳、海浪拍岸等〕。


A kind of microbe cultivated model is discussed to verify that the limit cycle is unique in a fixed parameter range 摘要分析了一類細菌培養模型,證明了在一定參數范圍內極限環是唯一的。

Conditions for the stability of system are obtained . the limit cycle is obtained by the bifurcation theory 我們得到了系統穩定性的條件,并通過分支理論得到了極限環的存在性。

For the ratio - dependent predator - prey , the limit cycle is obtained by the bifurcation theory 對于功能性反應為比率依賴型的捕食者-食餌模型,通過分支理論得到了極限環的存在性。

Without constructing poincare cycle domains , the positions of the limit cycles are pointed out accurately 在不構造poincare環域的情況下,較為精確地指出了極限環的存在位置

The sufficient conditions for the non - existence , existence and uniqueness of limit cycle are obtained for the cubic system 得到了該系統不存在極限環和存在惟一極限環的條件。

Threshold analysis for the limit cycle and chaotic oscillation of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier 行波管放大器中場極限環和混沌行為的閾值分析

Distribution of limit cycles for a class of higher - degree degenerate planar polynomial systems of codimension two 一類余維2的高次退化平面多項式系統的極限環分布

The stability of equilibriums and the existence of limit cycles for a predator - prey model with functional responses 捕食者模型平衡點的穩定性和極限環的存在性

During the illustration , we use some theorems about the non - existence and the uniqueness of limit cycles 在證明的過程中結合了極限環不存在性和唯一性。

Existence of limit cycle for a kind of twin - species predator - prey diffusion delay model with functional response 捕食者兩種群時滯擴散模型的極限環存在性

Global asymptotic stability of origin and the existence of limit cycles of generalized li 233 ; nard equation 全局吸引性及極限環的存在性

Limit cycle oscillating and chaos of the radiation field in a traveling wave tube amplifier 行波管放大器中輻射場的極限環振蕩和混沌

Limit cycles of a kind of food with functional response - two group types of predators 具功能反應的食餌與捕食者兩種群模型的極限環

On boundedness , global attractivity of solutions and existence of limit cycle of li 233 ; nard systems 系統極限環的存在性與唯一性

Sufficient and necessary conditions of existence of limit cycle for one kind quadratic system 一類二次系統極限環存在的充要條件

Bifurcations of local limit cycles for a class of 2n 1 degree polynomial differential system 1次多項式微分系統的局部極限環分支

The uniqueness of limit cycles from poincar 233 ; bifurcation of li 233 ; nard equation 方程零解的全局漸近穩定性和極限環的存在性

On the uniqueness of the limit cycle of the quadraticsystem with a 2nd - order weak focus 二次系統二階細焦點外圍極限環的唯一性

Several geometric structure of integral manifold passing limit cycle on complex domain 復域上幾個過極限環積分流形的幾何結構