
limit n.1.界限,界線;邊界。2.極限,限度;限制。3.〔p...

limit cycle

The stroke may be limited by adjustable stops . 該行程可借助可調的止動螺釘加以限位。

Our development is limited to steady-state operations . 我們的推導限于穩定狀態操作。

Trickle irrigation conservers water where limited . 滴灌在水少的地方應用起來可省水。

It begs entirely the difficult theory of limits . 這個方法完全依賴于深奧的極限理論。

The managers may have limited or unlimited discretion . 經理們可有無限或有限酬處權。

The fatal limit always stopped travellers . 旅行家們總是被那道不可逾越的界線阻擋住。

The credibility stretched the idea to the limits . 這種理論的可靠性降到了最低限度。

This limit is sometimes called the right-hand derivative . 這個極限有時稱為右導數。

Off limits to all unauthorized personnel . 閑人免進。

The policy challenge is to limit this price rise . 政策上面臨的挑戰是限制價格上漲。

A derivative is defined by a limiting process . 導數是通過一個極限過程加以規定的。

Would the man's perfidy never reach a limit ? 這個人的背信棄義難道永遠沒有止境嗎?

Every limit is a beginning as well as an ending . 每一個界限既是結尾,又是開端。

There is a limit to a man 's energy . 一個人的精力有限。

He weighed in at several pounds below the limit . 他賽前量體重比規定限度少幾磅。

Our tolerance has reached its limit . 我們忍耐到了極點。

I am willing to help , within limits . 我愿適當予以幫助。

She was driving at well over the speed limit . 她開車的速度遠遠超過了速度限制。

Since time is limited , i 'll have to stop here . 由于時間關系,就談到這里吧。