
limber adj.1.柔軟的;可塑的;易彎曲的。2.輕快的,敏捷的...


As quite a number of fellow practitioners had sore waists and aching backs before and after meditation , the fellow practitioners in charge got an idea from a previous news magazine issue and arranged for everyone to do some exercises every morning and at midday after meditation to limber up their bodies and remove the aches and pains 鑒于不少同修在打坐前后有腰酸背痛的情況,主辦同修從以前的新聞雜志中得到靈感,在這次禪二期間安排大家一同做運動。每天早上及中午,同修們在打坐后聚集在后院的草地上,一起活動筋骨。

Pap was agoing on so he never noticed where his old limber legs was taking him to , so he went head over heels over the tub of salt pork and barked both shins , and the rest of his speech was all the hottest kind of language - mostly hove at the nigger and the govment , though he give the tub some , too , all along , here and there 爸爸就是這么滔滔不絕,可就是從沒有想一想自己那兩條有氣無力的老腿把他帶到了何方,這樣,他給腌豬肉的木桶一絆,就翻倒在地,鬧了個倒栽蔥,兩條小腿也給擦傷了。這樣一來,話便說得越來越火辣辣的主要是沖著黑奴和政府說的,間或也沖木桶罵上幾句,就這樣東說說,西說說,沒個完。

After this , we track the lower limber motion using the method that finds best parameters that minimize the difference between synthesis data and real data . how to search parameters in parameter space is a problem . traditional methods solve it using optimization techniques 模型跟蹤中如何在參數空間中搜索有效參數一直是一個難題,傳統方法一般通過優化的方法加以解決,而本文在跟蹤過程中,逐個分析各參數的求解,降低了參數空間的維數,使得計算更為簡單有效。

Worried that walkies is the only exercise your pooch is getting ? the japanese may have the answer - dog yoga . here satoe tachi and her four - year - old dachsund chaco limber up 不要再擔心散步是寵物狗惟一的運動,日本人已經為狗狗們找到了更新鮮的運動方式? ?和主人一起練瑜伽。圖中,瑜伽館健身的女性帶著她們的狗狗一起做運動。

We could not find sufficient information on russian limbers to be sure of the authenticity of this item , but we have no reason to doubt it 我們找不到充足的關于俄軍火炮前車的資料來確定套件的準確性,但是我們也沒有理由懷疑這一點。

In the above photographs we have left the lid on the ammunition wagon but removed it from the limber to illustrate this 在上面的圖片中我們取下了前車的蓋子而保留了彈藥車的蓋子來說明套件的這一點設計。

Applied anatomy of the sciatic nerve bridging c7 root transfer to reconstruct the lower limber function of paraplegia 坐骨神經橋接頸7神經根二期移位重建截癱下肢功能的應用解剖

We always like to see a limber and team with an artillery set , so we were initially well pleased here 我們通常希望火炮模型中能提供前車和牽引組,這套兵人里同樣也包含這些。

Elderly people need to exercise , not only to keep limber , but also to keep warm 長者應保持適度運動,不但可保持關節靈活,更可產生熱量提高體溫。

First day myjoints is limber enough l ' ll haul her out and give her a good caulking 哪一天我的關節靈活一點了,我立即把她拖出來把邊縫都給她補嚴實

However in this case it means there is no room for a team , limber or caisson 但是這樣就沒有足夠空間加上炮組,前車以及彈藥箱了。

You two are still . . . - yeah , we ' re doing great . she ' s fantastic , sweet , limber 你們兩個還. . . -是的我們很好她很迷人甜美溫順

- you two are still . . . - yeah , we ' re doing great . she ' s fantastic , sweet , limber -你們兩個還. . . -是的我們很好她很迷人甜美溫順

You two are still . - yeah , we ' re doing great . she ' s fantastic , sweet , limber -你們兩個還. -是的我們很好她很迷人甜美溫順

It was pretty limber 動作很柔軟的

“ we start by doing limbering up exercises and then go on to do the aerobics . “我們先做些柔軟運動靈活四肢,再做有氧運動。

Limber or agile in movement 行動靈便的在運動中輕柔或靈活的

I ' m a big fan of physical comedy and i ' m extremely limber , 我是喜劇的忠實fans ,而且我是個可塑之材

The man is loose , he ' s limber and he ' s ready for action 男人們已經很放松,很柔軟他們做好準備了