
limb n.1.肢,手足;翼,翅膀。2.大樹枝。3.分支;突出物...


His eyes fell again on the bottle, and a tremble passed over him, causing him to shiver in every limb . 他的眼光又落到那個瓶子上,渾身發抖,四肢也在戰栗著。

His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering . 他四肢幾乎凍僵了,身子因倍受勞累和苦難的折磨,已脫去了人形。

Therefore the origins of limb muscles are usually at their proximal ends, not at their distal ends . 所以,肢體的肌源通常是在近端,而不是在遠端。

All the pre-shamvaian rocks in the selukwe area lie on the inverted limb of this fold . 塞盧奎地區的所有前沙姆凡巖石均分布于此推覆體的倒轉翼中。

I'll slice off his limbs one at a time and he won't even know where they're gone . 把他的四肢一次切掉一段,他甚至會搞不清他的肢體到哪里去了。

He crawled to the roadside, and stretched out his limbs on the snow, with a deep sigh . 他爬到路邊,深深地吸了口氣,然后在雪地上把四肢伸開。

Kennedy raised him, it was pitiable to see his feeble limbs bend under him . 肯尼迪扶起了他,他軟弱無力地跪下來,那樣子叫人看了真心酸。

During totality, prominences protrude above the solar limb beyond the disc of the moon . 在全食時,月珥凸出在月輪外圍的太陽邊緣上。

Three unipolar limb leads are conventionally employed in clinical electrocardiography . 有三個單極的肢體導聯習慣上用于臨床心電圖。

At seven in the morning mary found her forehead damp and her limbs sticky . 早晨七點鐘,瑪麗發現自己的前額汗水淋淋,四肢粘搭搭的。

She knew he was lying there beside her, could feel his limbs sprawled against hers . 她知道他躺在自己身邊,他的肢體貼著她的肢體。

He seems to have more length of limb than vivacity of blood or vigour of brain . 他四肢的修長似乎勝過了精力的旺盛和腦子的靈活。

The skeleton of the lower limb is divide into the girdle and the skeleton of the free limb . 下肢的骨骼分為帶及“自由”下肢骨。

They had been tethered too long to regain the use of their limbs in a moment . 他們被綁縛的時間太長,手腳一下子還不能靈活起來。

One mast, next return ralph found himself alone on a limb with jack . 又一個來回時拉爾夫發現自己同杰克一塊兒扛一根大樹枝。

The car was badly smashed , but he was lucky to escape with life and limb . 汽車被撞得一塌糊涂,可他卻很幸運地安全脫險了。

Her lot was cast with her head in a narrower pit than her limbs . 她的命運與她的頭腦一起被拋進了比她的身軀還狹窄的掩體。

We drifted forward with rigid motions, limbs stiff and voices silent . 我們緩緩地往前走,動作呆板,手足僵硬,緘口不語。

The weaker men have lost the first sensitive control of their limbs . 體質差些的人,手腳早已不象原先那樣靈活自如了。