
lily n.莉莉〔女子名〕。

lily iron

Lily had been kind to him at bellomont, and was now smiling on him with a divine renewal of kindness . 麗莉繼百樂山莊對他表示友好之后,現在又對他微笑,充滿了妙不可言的再一次和善。

The vulgarians with whom lily and ralph grapple unsuccessfully are accurately and acidly observed . 莉莉和拉爾夫與一些庸俗的人周旋沒有成功,她把那些庸俗人的形象勾畫得精確而銳利。

The smell of camphor almost smothered the faint spring scent of the lilies banking the alter . 散發出濃郁的樟腦味,把圣壇上堆積的百合花吐出的清淡的春天氣息,差不多全給吞噬了。

Take the flowers of lily of the valley and distil them in sack, and drink a spoonful or two as there is occasion . 拿鈴蘭花數朵,置于袋中,蒸餾之,用時吞服一二匙即可。

Lily had a vague sense that the subject of their experiment was too young, too rich and too credulous . 麗莉認為他二人開玩笑的對象未免太年輕,太富有,太無生活經驗了。

She seemed to unfold like a strong white lily under this genial breath of admiration and homage . 她似乎在這贊賞和尊敬的真誠氛圍之中象一朵白色的百合那樣猛烈地開放了。

Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails . 麗莉完全明白自己現在已變成一名被丟在荒島上徒然向駛去的帆船呼救的遺棄者了。

She rested with the hills and lilies and houses, and swum together in a kind of swoon . 她和群山,百合花,房子靜靜棲息在一起,一切都仿佛共同浸沉在一場昏睡之中。

It resulted, at any rate, in throwing lily strangely on her own resources . 不管怎么說,其結果是麗莉意外地受了冷落,被孤立起來了。

His eyes followed restlessly one of the golden carp that darted from lily to lily . 他目不轉睛地盯著在荷花間嬉戲的一尾金色鯉魚。

One of the bonds between lily and me is that we both suffer with our teeth . 我和莉莉之間有一個共同點,我們兩人的牙齒都有毛病。

Lily was nineteen when circumstances caused her to revise her view of the universe . 麗莉十九歲時,種種情況使她改變了世界觀。

When he finally set off with the letter to lily i had a very unwholesome feeling . 當他帶著給莉莉的信離開時,我感到十分悵然。

Such a vision of the solidarity of life had never before come to lily . 這種人與人之間休戚相關的關系是麗莉以前從未體驗過的。

His eyes had been refreshed by the sight of miss lily bary . 他一眼瞥見了麗莉巴特小姐,頓時覺得眼目清新,精神為之一振。

The force of her faith in lily must have helped to dispel his hesitations . 自己對麗莉的信任一定幫助過他驅散心中的疑云。

It made lily so fidgety and she asked such impossible questions . 這弄得莉麗心煩意亂,她提出了一些使人難堪的責問。

Lily flung out her hand, groped for her friend's and held it fast . 麗莉猛地伸出手,摸到她朋友的手,緊緊地攥住。

The sharp release from her fears restored lily to immediate lucidity . 從惶恐中驟然得到解脫使麗莉神志立刻清醒。