
lilian n.莉蓮〔女子名, Elizabeth 的昵稱〕。


Six awards went to those under the reas . teaching excellence awards recipients include dr annie chan hau - ning , department of politics and sociology ; ms irene chang ching - mei , chinese language education and assessment centre ; ms rebecca pang lai - king , english language education and assessment centre ; and dr si tou sau - ieng , department of chinese . four certificates of merit were presented to dr grace chou ai - ling , department of history ; ms lilian law lai - yi , english language education and assessment centre ; prof neven sesardic , department of philosophy ; as well as dr richard simmons , department of accountancy to recognize their outstanding performance in teaching 本年度優異教學獎勵計劃的得獎教員教包括1政治學及社會學系助理教授陳效能博士2中國語文教學與測試中心副主任張靜梅老師3英語教學與測試中心高級語言導師彭麗老師及4中文系助理教授司徒秀英博士,而優秀教學證書得獎教員包括1歷史系助理教授周愛靈博士2英語教學與測試中心高級語言導師羅麗儀老師3哲學系教授neven sesardic教授及4會計學系助理教授richard simmons博士。

Fourthly , we comment on some project - based learning cases in other countries . through analyzing learning center of bruce campbell , activity centers of thomas armstrong , the year - long curriculum journey of david lazear , project - based learning designed by sally berman and lilian g katz , we point out the reference significance of them 接著,述評了國外的幾個項目學習案例,分析了布魯斯?坎貝爾的學習中心、托馬斯?阿姆斯特朗的活動中心、戴維?拉澤爾的全年課程計劃、薩莉?伯曼和卡茨等人所設計的項目學習,指出了這些案例對我國開展項目學習的借鑒意義。

Lijiang publishing house has established copyright trading relationship with over 30 countries and regions in the world . it has the right to publish in chinese language some world - famous writers such as gunter grass , marguerite duras , thomas mann and ethel lilian voynich . the publishing house has also exported licenses of more than 100 books 與三十多個國家地區建立了版權貿易關系,現擁有君特格拉斯瑪格麗特杜拉斯托馬斯曼伏尼契等世界著名作家的中文版權,并對外輸出圖書版權100多種。

Achievement of an exceptional year , “ said italy ' s coach marcelo lippi , . the 33 - year - old cannavaro also has also played for napoli , parma and inter milan . at parma , he played 212 league games and formed one of serie a ' s best defensive partnerships with lilian thuram 意大利國家隊教練馬爾切洛里皮說: “對于意大利足球來說,今年是不同尋常的一年,這個特殊的獎項則是意大利隊在這一年中得到的最高榮譽。 ”

Although it is anticipated that the former real madrid man will look to concentrate on his club career , domenech wants both makelele and barcelona new boy lilian thuram to make themselves available forthe euro 2008 qualifiers 雖然估計這位前皇馬的球星將要把余下的精力奉獻到藍軍的比賽中,但是多梅尼克還是希望馬克來來以及巴薩新隊員圖拉目能夠為國效力到08歐洲杯。

The 24 - year - old is understood to have been requested by juve boss didier deschamps as he looks to rebuild a depleted rearguard after the exits of lilian thuram , fabio cannavaro and gianluca zambrotta 據了解這位24歲的球員是尤文主教練迪迪埃?德尚在賣出了利利安?圖拉姆、法比奧?卡納瓦羅和吉安魯卡?贊布羅塔之后,為重建后防線而點名要求的。

At parma , he played 212 league games and formed one of serie a s best defensive partnerships with lilian thuram . “ i think he deserves the award if we take into account the world cup as a whole , “ thuram told french television 圖拉姆在接受法國電視臺的采訪時說: “卡納瓦羅帶領意大利隊奪得本屆世界杯的冠軍,這個獎項應該屬于他。 ”

Many of the turin giants have already walked out or are threatening to do so , such as fabio cannavaro , lilian thuram , gianluca zambrotta , emerson , zlatan ibrahimovic and mauro camoranesi 已經有許多偉大的天才球員從都靈出走了,比如說法比奧?卡納瓦羅,利利安?圖拉姆,吉安盧卡?贊布羅塔,埃墨森,瑞典人和毛羅?卡莫拉內西。

S and formed one of serie a ' s best defensive partnerships with lilian thuram . “ i think he deserves the award if we take into account the world cup as a whole , “ thuram told french television 圖拉姆在接受法國電視臺的采訪時說: “卡納瓦羅帶領意大利隊奪得本屆世界杯的冠軍,這個獎項應該屬于他。 ”

The central defender was already paired with the old lady in the summer , when the club was in need of new faces after the departures of fabio cannavaro , lilian thuram and gianluca zambrotta 在卡納瓦羅,圖拉姆和贊布羅塔離開之后,俱樂部需要新的面孔時,這名中后衛已經準備在夏天加入老婦人。

The stadio delle alpi outfit have been hit hard by the adjudication , losing key men like lilian thuram , gianluca zambrotta and fabio cannavaro to la liga and partick vieira to internazionale 這支隊伍因為裁決而深受損失,關鍵性的球員如圖拉姆,贊布羅塔,卡納瓦羅轉會西甲,維埃拉也去了國際米蘭

Juventus are in need for a new defender after the sales of lilian thuram , fabio cannavaro and gianluca zambrotta and are willing to offer ? 2 . 8m for givet 在出售了利利安?圖拉姆、法比奧?卡納瓦羅和吉安魯卡?贊布羅塔之后,尤文圖斯需要補充新的后衛。為得到吉維,尤文愿意支付280萬英鎊。

Juve coach didier deschamps is anxious to strengthen his defence after losing lilian thuram , gianluca zambrotta and fabio cannavaro over the summer 主教練德尚在這個夏天失去黑圖,贊贊和卡隊之后非常希望加強自己的后衛線

Thus , near the end of january , celia and andrew were in london , accompanied by lilian hawthorne whom celia had persuaded to join them 就這樣,一月底,西莉亞和安德魯到了倫敦,西莉亞還說服了莉蓮?霍存思一道同行。

He ' s now been relegated to the bench , after lilian thuram was moved into the centre of defence and the summer arrival of fabio cannavaro 在圖拉姆把位置移到中路并且卡納瓦羅加盟后,他就被擠到了替補席上。

The old lady of italian football are in desperate need for a new defender after the sales of lilian thuram , fabio cannavaro and gianluca zambrotta 在賣出三位后防大將后,尤文陷入對接班人的瘋狂追逐當中。

At parma , he played 212 league games and formed one of serie a ' s best defensive partnerships with lilian thuram 他在帕爾瑪俱樂部共打了212場聯賽,并和利利安圖拉姆組成了意甲聯賽中最堅固的后防線。

At parma , he played 212 league games and formed one of serie a ' s best defensive partnerships with lilian thuram 他在帕爾瑪俱樂部共打了212場聯賽,并和利利安?圖拉姆組成了意甲聯賽中最堅固的后防線。

He is joined in defence by fabio cannavaro and gianluca zambrotta , plus lilian thuram . gianluigi buffon is the goalkeeper 他和卡納瓦羅,贊布羅塔,加上圖拉姆組成后最佳陣容的防線,門將是布馮