
likud n.利庫德集團〔以色列一政黨,1973年成立〕。


Under a reported deal worked out with the prime minister , peres will support kadima , the centrist party sharon formed last week after leaving the hard - line likud , but he will not officially join the party and he will not run for a seat in parliament , where he has served since 1959 在和沙龍總理達成一項傳聞中的交易后,以色列老資格政治家、原工黨主席佩雷斯將支持沙龍的前進黨,即沙龍在放棄利庫德集團強硬路線后,上周新組建的一支溫和黨派,但是,佩雷斯將不會正式加入該黨,他自1959年起在議會任職,而這次他也不會競選議會中職位。

America ' s ally , israel , has long blamed syria for sponsoring terrorist attacks against israeli ' s and although iran ' s alleged nuclear weapons program is a major concern for israel ' s likud party , syria ' s support for hamas is a major source of irritation for sharon 美國的盟國? ?以色列長期以來都在指責敘利亞支持針對以色列的恐怖襲擊,而且,即使所謂的伊朗核武計劃是以色列利庫德集團的主要關注點,但敘利亞對“哈馬斯”的支持卻是激怒沙龍的一個主要根源。

Former israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu was elected as likud party ' s new leader on monday . foreign minister silvan shalom , netanyahu ' s top rival in leadership contest , conceded defeat and called netanyahu to congratulate him on primaries victory , according to channel 10 television 內塔尼亞胡在勝選后表示,利庫德集團如今又回到引領國家的道路上來,他將與沙洛姆合作,共同領導利庫德集團。

Shalom ' s aide said that netanyahu and shalom agreed to join forces to confront prime minister ariel sharon , who quit the right - wing likud and formed centrist kadima party last month , in the coming general elections on march 28 沙洛姆承認敗選,并通過電話向內塔尼亞胡表示祝賀。他表示將在近期與內塔尼亞胡會面,商討利庫德集團的政策走向。

Former defense minister ma of the opposition likud party , “ the political level , the prime minister . the defense minister , they carry the major burden of the _ _ 16 _ _ of the second lebanese war 反對黨利庫德集團的前國防部長ma稱“在政治層面上,總理和國防部長,均應為第二次黎巴嫩戰爭的失敗負主要責任。 ”

Former defense minister ma of the opposition likud party , “ the political level , the prime minister . the defense minister , they carry the major burden of the fiasco of the second lebanese war 反對黨利庫德集團的前國防部長ma稱“在政治層面上,總理和國防部長,均應為第二次黎巴嫩戰爭的失敗負主要責任。 ”

Labour said the west bank could be traded for peace ; likud that it was the jews ' biblical homeland , given in sacred trust by god and never to be surrendered 工黨認為應該用西岸來換和平;利庫德集團則認為西岸是猶太人神圣的家鄉,是上帝神圣的賜予,永遠不可放棄。

With olmert - considered the leading candidate - heading kadima , labor loses one seat and drops from 19 seats to 18 , as does likud , which drops from 14 to 13 如果由奧爾默特領導前進黨的話,工黨的議席將叢19下降為18席,同樣,利庫德集團將由14席下降為13席。

Mr . sharon is expected to face stiffer opposition from some other likud members , who see any withdrawal from palestinian areas as betrayal 預計沙龍將遇到利庫德集團其他一些成員更強硬的反對,這些人認為,把定居點遷出巴勒斯坦人地區是對猶太人的背叛。