
liken vt.1.比作 (to)。2.〔罕用語〕使像,弄得像…。


Visible images liken the black - and - white photos captured from space . they are available in day time only 可見光圖像有如太空拍攝到的黑白照片,圖像只在日間拍攝到。

Nani is highly - rated in portugal and has been likened to current united star cristiano ronaldo 納尼在葡萄牙被高度評價,并且(他們)將他與曼聯球星小小羅聯系到一起

Becauseof it convertibility feature , many investors liken them to warrantswhen actually they are not 因為它的可兌換性,有很多投資者來比喻他們權證時,其實卻不然

“ to whom will you compare me or count me equal ? to whom will you liken me that we may be compared 5你們將誰與我相比、與我同等、可以與我比較、使我們相同呢。

Better comparisons than the one to yao are those that liken yi to pau gasol and even kevin garnett 把易比作姚,還不如把他比作保羅加索爾,甚至是凱文加內特。

And jesus said , to what then shall i liken the men of this generation , and what are they like 31耶穌又說,這樣,我可把這世代的人比作什么?他們好像什么?

But now mr wolfowitz is likened less to a benign emperor than to caesar ' s suspect spouse 但是,相比一位和藹的君主,沃爾福威茨更像是凱撒那位可疑的配偶。

Barnes likens his work with the mice to deciphering a snapshot of an automobile accident in progress 巴尼斯把他的工作比做破譯正在發生中的車禍的快照。

To whom will ye liken me , and make me equal , and compare me , that we may be like 你們要把誰與我相比,誰與我相似呢?你們把誰與我比較,好使我們同等呢?

“ to whom would you liken me and make me equal and compare me , that we would be alike 賽46 : 5你們將誰與我相比、與我同等、可以與我比較、使我們相同呢。

An object likened to a slender , pointed missile either in shape , use , or effect 外形似鏢的事物物體在形狀、使用或效果上像一細長帶尖的投擲物的物體

At tottenham the fans likened him to glenn hoddle yet complained that he still fell short 在熱刺,球迷們認為他是霍德爾的人,覺得他還不夠好。

To whom will ye liken me , and make me equal , and compare me , that we may be like 5你們將誰與我相比,與我同等,可以與我比較,使我們相同呢。

He jokingly likened himself to adam who gave names to the beasts and the flowers 他開玩笑地把自己比作亞當(亞當曾給野獸和花起名字) 。

I ' d liken them to the people who denied that smoking causes lung cancer 我認為他們和那些否認抽菸會造成肺癌的人可說半斤八兩。

It is “ likened to dying , it is almost like drowning “ the experiment states 這些實驗的步驟就“象步入死亡,這也象是正在溺死” 。

He said therefore , what is the kingdom of god like , and to what shall i liken it 18耶穌說,神的國好像什么?我可把它比作什么?

Suzhou might just as well be likened to pisa , for it has a leaning tower also 蘇州不妨可以和比薩相比,因為它也有一座斜塔。

I have likened the daughter of zion to a comely and delicate woman 2那秀美嬌嫩的錫安女子(女子就是指民的意思) ,我必剪除。