
likelihood n.1.可能(性)。2.【數、統】似然,似真。3.〔古語...


Multi - texture maximum likelihood estimation of polarimetric sar image 圖像的多紋理最大似然估計

Secondly , p is too small due to the likelihood factor 第二,由于某些因素影響,像素值太小。

Empirical likelihood inference about - arch model 模型的經驗似然推斷

What is the likelihood that this is an episode of anaphylaxis 該過敏反應的可能原因是什么?

Do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it 你認為他有同意此事的可能性嗎

In all likelihood , though , i should die before morning 不過很可能我捱不到早上就會死去。

Likelihood ratio test for inequality hypotheses 不等式假設的似然比檢驗

Likelihood ratio test can be applied in this method 該方法主要利用似然比檢驗統計方法。

As to future , the likelihood is told very hard 至于前程,可能很難講。

There is every likelihood that the performance will be a success 演出極有可能獲得成功。

One day , there was some likelihood of rain 一天,天氣有下雨的可能性。

There was no likelihood of his winning 他沒有贏的可能;他不可能獲勝。

Do you think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it 你覺得他有可能同意這件事嗎

Your foot does not have the likelihood coolly what felt 可能你的腳涼的沒有什么感覺了!

Test of the likelihood ratio of seismic activity parameters 地震活動參數似然比檢驗研究

Some , they did not want the likelihood you are done so 有的,可能他們沒有要你這樣做。

There is a likelihood of being deceived or deceiving others 有可能受騙或去欺騙他人。

Doctor : the x - ray suggests the likelihood of tuberculosis 醫生:胸片提示可能是結核。

Your likelihood is chronic palace neck phlogistic 你的可能是慢性宮頸炎。