
likable adj.可愛的,討人喜歡的;親切的,和藹的。n.-nes...


Hill works carved a son , mountain pines seem temple high and larking quaint , two man in the fishing boat had a leisurely game , the two face a fine of small streams , inside a bird using flooding removable white jade carved independence , and allowing full fine , talented and very likable , but also reminds one of only envy is not bred envy cents fame 作品精雕一座山子,山間蒼松翠柏,寺塔高筑,俊秀古樸,兩位老翁在漁舟中悠閑地對弈,兩人面前一個精致的小溪流,里面一只大鳥巧用透水白獨玉摘雕出來,體形飽滿精致,十分討人喜歡,更讓人想起只羨鴛鴦不羨仙美名。

The azure liu mei - yu alone pick up a stone tablet leaves , leaf - detailed , color intensity , deep natural green and white jade alone with the university carp - shaped scrapers , and the leaves and flowers were blossoming open at the top , petal meticulous carving delicate , meticulous talented and very likable , qingxinziran color , the color is picked clean charming 美艷的天藍料獨玉摘雕出一片片荷葉,葉脈細膩,色澤高貴,深遂自然的綠白色獨玉隨形打磨成大鯉魚,以及荷葉,朵朵荷花開在頂部,花瓣雕刻細致精巧,一絲不茍十分討人喜歡,色澤清新自然,摘色十分干凈迷人。

Having a good self - image might make someone more likable insofar as people prefer to associate with confident , positive individuals and generally avoid those who suffer from self - doubts and insecurities 擁有良好的自我形象,也許會促使一個人在某種程度上更討人喜歡,因為人們傾向喜歡與有自信、態度正面的人相處,而遠離那些自我懷疑與缺乏安全感的人。

Meanwhile 59 percent of voters surveyed believe sarkozy has a more presidential stature , whereas royal is described as more likable by 62 percent of voters 據一份選民調查表明, 59 %的選民認為薩爾科齊更適合出任法國總統,而62 %的選民表示羅亞爾比較有親和力。

Meanwhile 59 percent of voters surveyed believe sarkozy has a more presidential stature , whereas royal is described as more likable by 62 percent of voters 在大選期間調查表明, 59 %的選民認為薩爾科齊更適合出任法國總統, 62 %的選民認為羅亞爾更有親和力。

Besides , she has a likable character with good sense of humor . although she is usually described as “ boyish “ , i think she actually is a sensitive person 另外,也有著很可愛的性格與幽默感,雖然經常被形容為男孩子氣,不過我覺得她其實是個頗敏感的人。

By all accounts , the exceptionally likable bender may have been the best practice player in nba history , but bone - on - bone pain was too much to endure 從任何方面講,超級和藹的本德可能是nba歷史上最好的角色球員,但是這種骨頭的傷病的確是難以忍受。

I have had the pattern for flower basket shawl for over 2 years , but i had not found any so - called suitable / likable yarn that i would want to knit with 花籃披肩的圖樣早在2年前就已經拿在手里,一直就沒找到喜歡的線也就醬擱在抽屜里

Bill hewlett , the cofounder of that company and a likable genius , was a member of the chrysler board 該公司的另一位創辦者,一位和藹可親的人物- -比爾休利特,也是克萊斯勒董事會的董事。

Casey : you ' re all right , dean . the others don ' t describe you that way . but , you know , you ' re ? you ' re likable 你還不錯啦迪恩,其他的惡魔可不會這么講你,但你知道嘛,你還蠻討人喜愛的。

Bill hewlett , the cofounder of that company and a likable genius , was a member of the chrysler board 該公司的另一位創辦者,一位和藹可親的人物- -比爾?休利特,也是克萊斯勒董事會的董事。

But there is one honest , likable , average kind of guy who became a superstar . his name ? tom hanks 但是,有一位誠實、可親的普通人變成了超級巨星。他的名字叫做湯姆漢克斯。

Don ' t divide people into good and bad . in fact there are only people who are likable and those not 不要常把人分成好人和壞人,其實通常只有討人喜歡和不討人喜歡的人之分。

Now , it is entirely correct that it is important to the novel ' s plot that he not be especially likable 現在,它是完全正確的,它是重要的小說情節,他并不特別喜愛。

There is one honest , likable , average kind of guy who became a superstar . his name ? tom hanks 有一位誠實、可親的普通人變成了超級巨星。他的名字叫做湯姆?漢克斯。

Works using natural green jade sculpture , fine texture , a small fine , talented and very likable 作品采用天然墨綠色岫玉雕刻,質地細膩,小巧精致,十分討人喜歡!

“ the likable no - brainer is half buoyant goof , half groaner , and all chow . 這個可愛的笨蛋就是半個開心的呆瓜,半個呻吟者,還有整個周星馳。

I ' m a likable guy 我就是一個挺有觀眾緣的人

Friendly and agreeable in disposition ; good - natured and likable 溫柔的性情友好親切的;脾氣好的,可愛的