
lignose n.1.= liguin.2.含有硝酸甘油和木質纖維的炸...


The peak times of amylase , cmc enzyme , cellulose , laccase , guaiacol oxidase and polyphenol oxidase were the 10th day , the 12th day , the 12th day , the 14th day , the 16th day and the 16th day respectively . it indicated that phellinus igniarius has the capability of discomposing amylum , cellulose and lignose 淀粉酶、 cmc酶、纖維素酶、漆酶、愈創木酚氧化酶、多酚氧化酶的活性高峰分別出現在第10d 、第12d 、第12d 、第14d 、第16d 、第16d ,說明桑黃對淀粉類物質、纖維素類、木質素類物質均具有降解能力。

These pathogenic characteristics that could cause corm tissue to bring browning reaction , lignose of cell wall to increase , and faecula granule to decrease , were also observed by using tissue sectioning 用組織切片法觀察發現病菌能使香蕉苗球莖組織產生褐變,引起細胞壁木質素增加及淀粉顆粒減少。